Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Two "What The FIRETRUCK?!" moments in two days, yay

So, last night, my bed broke. And yes, I've heard all the sex jokes that can be made and have been made, so shut up. It's happened before, because the bed just falls apart whenever the hell it feels like, so the slats fall out and sometimes I'll just sit on it and it'll break, then I get a hammer and put it back together and it lasts another few months. Last night, more slats than ever fell out, so I couldn't even lie really still and just pretend, so I created a sortof cushion-pillow-beanbag-blanket arrangement on the floor, which was alarmingly comfortable, even if it looked like the world's most remarkably unsexy Turkish Hareem. Made slightly less sexy by the fact that I was asleep in the middle of it. Who needs sexy pyjamas when you've got old t-shirts and shorts? Someone who...wears sexy pyjamas probably.
Anyway, my other WHAT THE FIRETRUCK moment happened today in English. Me and Ayla are reading the same novel for assessment, and we were both working on whatever the hell it was we had to do. Anyway, I looked at Ayla's book on her desk, then looked at where my book should have been, but wasn't, then I thought "What the FIRETRUCK?! Where's my book?"
It was open in front of me.


[Kentucky.Fried.Clare.] said...

Ah, my bed just snapped in half. I haven't had a bed since December.

Nick said...

Ah, "What the FIRETRUCK?" - so many memories...