Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Bad things I did today...

  1. Turned my cousin Terri on to a new drinking game (I know, one SHE'D never heard of)
  2. Thought up a rather awful alternative acronym to SOHCAHTOA...maybe I'll tell you if you ask nicely...
  3. Giggled during the ANZAC Day service

The last one requires explaination. I was PROVOKED! It's not my fault it was hilarious. And this time, it wasn't just me thinking something, there was something visually funny. So, my friend James is in the Air Force Cadets at school (I'm not sure what they do...go about being facists mostly...and yes, I am allowed to say that, because I tell him that ALL THE TIME), and being ANZAC Day (not exctly, but we had the service), three of the Cadets had to be the Flag Party. Dane with a sword for some reason, and James and Tayla with flags. What was funny was them holding the flags. The way they hold the flags is by resting one of the ends (the end without the flag) on their belt buckle. This made them look like they'd stuffed the flag down their pants and was just precariously balancing it there. I loled.

1 comment:

Nick said...

This drinking game intrigues me...continue...