Monday, April 6, 2009


So, I've cheered up since last blog.
But the thing is, I probably have a problem, and my problem is thus. I can't stop acquiring books.
I'm about three quarters into Watchmen (and LOVING it), then I've got to read Mao's Last Dancer for school, then 48 Shades of Brown and maybe Joel and Kat Set The Story Straight because they're library books (which I didn't want to borrow, but the english teacher is a dominatrix who wants people to do some "wider reading"). Now, this doesn't seem too bad, except for the fact that I REALLY WANT TO READ PAPER TOWNS and I have to read it before Ayla does, because she's not a NerdFighter. Then I've got all the books I got from my grandma for my birthday, namely Of Mice And Men, One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest, Perfume: The Story Of A Murderer, A Clockwork Orange, and A Picture of Dorian Grey.
And then I got another book today. A book of one-liners. I do so love one-liners. Advanced Banter: The QI Book of Quotations. QI is a fantastic show, it's hard to find, but FIND IT! It's a good one.
And I've just noticed the two books my Aunty Carol got me for my birthday, The Declaration and The Resistance. Bloody hell.

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