Saturday, April 25, 2009


I was going to put all this information into a vlog, but I feel really sick and the only speech I can manage is a sortof quiet mumble, which makes talking to my partially-deaf grandmother rather difficult.
My Acting Academy class last night was pretty cool, I nearly cried. It was in a scene, I'm not so masochistic that I can judge a day on how many times I burst into tears. The scene was entirely improvised but at a point in the scene, the teachers would pause it and give one or both of the actors an objective that was unbeknowenst to the other actor. Mine was to tell the other one that I'd found a picture of her, scantily clad, amongst the posessions of my boyfriend/husband. It ended with me telling her this, an arguement breaking out, and then her saying "I'm so sorry, I know you really like him..." and me saying "We've lived together for three years, I think I'm a bit beyond really liking him!"
After the class, I saw my cousin in a choir of sorts doing Verdi's Requiem at QPAC. That was a barrel of laughs (sarcasm), it went for an hour and a half. But I rather liked some of the more dramatic parts of it, they woke me up after I tuned out and started coreographing a fight scene/zombie attack scene that would take place in the room if all the doors suddenly locked. I found it ironic that the entire choir was grinning from ear to ear while singing about the day of judgement.
So, the silliness surrounding the Semi Formal escalated a little bit, in that it's a bit closer in the future and absolutely on everyone's respective minds. I'm already sick of the whole ordeal, and the actual night isn't until the end of term. Unfortunately, I've already got my dress, which means I lose a bit of...I can't think of what word I want...not-caring-ness-with-regards-to-conversations-about-dressing-up-and-being-shown-off-edness? But hey, it's a sortof gothic-medieval red dress, so if anything, I'll be the warmest girl there. My grandma doesn't seem too keen on it. First she was worried that people will laugh at me, and I explained to her that a) no they won't and b) the people who do laugh are the people who's opinions don't matter to me. Then she said that the person I'm going with might freak out at the prospect of dancing with a Shakespearean witch. At which point I explained to her that the person I'm going with knows I'm pretty much a nutjob and that if I'm to be expected to go through with this ordeal, I'll wear whatever the hell I please, and that I've already categorised most of the people and their reactions, these people will be the people who are indifferent or think my dress is awesome (my friends), people who will kick up a fuss and say it's not really the type of thing you're supposed to wear to the semi formal (the particularly bug-up-the-arse teachers) and the people for whom my dress will only be further proof that I'm a basket case and should be pulled apart with nasty words in sentences that don't follow traditional rules of grammatical convention (twats). And my cousin Terri wanted to contribute in some way, so she got me a nice necklace to go with it. Someone in year 12 (who is in fact a semi-professional makeup artist) offered to do my make up for $20. I politely rejected the offer, what with the fact that I'm probably the worst person ever to do the make up of. Not only will any mascara completely befoul my glasses, but Ayla learned the hard way to never do my make up, when my school was doing Grease the musical and she had to do my make up (on account of the fact that, at the time, I had NO IDEA how to do it for myself). Well, lets face it, she was sticking a pencil in my eye, of course I was going to blink madly. I've seen The Dark Knight, I know what happens when pencils and eyes get together.
Speaking of which, I've got 14 new badges for my guitar strap. Now, that wasn't a completely random segue, as one of the badges is the Joker. And you thought I'd gone mad. mother appeared with a nice glass of mysterious, bubbly liquid, and it's made me feel a bit better, not to the point of talking, but to the point of thought.
Anyway, badges, I also got the four Hogwarts houses, a treble clef, The Fratellis, Nirvana, Edward Scissorhands, My Chemical Romance, Muse, The Dresden Dolls, Yellow Submarine and Gir from Invader Zim. I love that little guy.
I think I've run out of brain. I can't think of anything else that I've done lately.
In other news, I've got some pretty bad creative block at the moment, which is why my videos of late are a little bit crap.
And I don't really think this blog was worth typing, but hey, I think I'll post it.

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