Sunday, April 26, 2009

Driving: It's not a life skill, it's a competetion.

I went driving for the first time ever today.
Goddamn it's fun.
I found it ironic that I went down to the local housing estate to drive, when I'd gone to so many protests to keep it from being built (they knocked over most of a state forest/koala habitat to build it). But it's so damn useful, what with being deserted.
Now, I've heard that roundabouts are the most terrifying thing in the world for learner drivers, which they are at the moment (since I've never driven on a motorway or with other cars yet) and guess what the first thing I encountered was. That's right. A roundabout.
And there was a patch where I practiced reversing for a while, and I did so badly on my first try on this section, that on my second try, my mum just grabbed the steering wheel and said, "Okay, you work the pedals and I'll steer."
The one thing my mum didn't tell me, which I had to find out on my own, was that you have to accelerate up hills in order to maintain a constant speed. I didn't realise this until I started slowing down while going up a hill. The funny thing is that this was the exact thing that my granddad didn't tell her when she was driving.
I now have 65 minutes. Which is 35 minutes more than my cousin Michael, which is all that counts in the scheme of things.

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