Wednesday, April 8, 2009

oh my god, facebook...

So, I was perusing the facebook sidebar when I came across this:
Okay, and I thought the internet couldn't sink any lower.
So of course I tried it out.
For purely satirical reasons.
But it turns out it's just the Vampire game.
Well, that was disappointing, I thought I could go on a rampage of hypothetical synacism, but there doesn't seem to be any call for that at this point.
But something I can say, which is completely off-topic, is this:
I was reading 'the book' (the one I should probably read a bit more of before going for my Learners) and it said that if you're driving along, minding your own business, and someone riding a horse comes along (and especially if the person doesn't look in control of the horse) then, in order to give way to the horse, you must pull over and STOP THE ENGINE, because that might frighten the horse. First of all, what's a person doing riding a horse as a mode of transport? Secondly, why are they doing this if they're not great at controlling the horse? Lastly, aren't cars faster than horses?
Speaking of horses, I found out a rather disappointing fact these last Christmas holidays. Now, this fact begins when I was 10, and my grandma told me that horse farts were green. Now, I don't usually take things she says seriously, but one of my friends was rather horse-mad, so I held on to this fact in order to piss her off, but part of me believed it. And on these Christmas holidays, I found out it wasn't true. That's probably the stupidest thing I've ever done, listening to my grandmother. So there's a lesson in that, never listen to anyone. Especially if they're talking out their arse, no pun intended.

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