Friday, April 3, 2009

Cross Country

Today at the cross country carnival (which involved running IN HEAVY RAIN...I stepped in a was deeper than anticipated...) I learned about the stages of getting rained on.
  1. Not putting umbrella up, it's not raining that hard.
  2. Putting your umbrella up, just in case.
  3. Huddling under umbrella and hoping you don't get wet.
  4. Taking off your watch in hopes that you can keep it dry.
  5. Hoping you don't get ludicrously wet.
  6. Lamenting straightening hair.
  7. Discarding umbrella, there is no longer any point to it, you're wet enough.
  8. Hoping your underwear doesn't get wet.
  9. Hoping your underwear dries quickly.
  10. The stage where you're so wet it actually feels nice.
  11. It's wet, it's cold, it's horrible.
  12. Contemplating selling your soul for a towel.
  13. And a change of clothes.
  14. Your shoes fill with water and slosh when you move.
  15. Contemplating selling a friend's soul for a hairdryer, not just for your hair, but to see if you can get most of the fluid out of your shoes.
  16. It's stopped raining, a sense of hope fills your soul.
  17. It starts raining again.

Yep. I went through all those stages somewhere between 9:30 and 12 today. Not a great day.

But it's the Easter holidays now. Two weeks off.

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