Monday, April 13, 2009


Well then. Right now I'm eating a rather awful kind of sugar free chocolate. It's the kind of thing you need alot of before it starts tasting good, but unfortunately if you eat alot of it, it acts as a laxative. Oh the many joys of diabetes.
Anyway, my day. I was going to meet up with most of my Acting Academy class, but only Claire and Myles turned up, and Myles was late, so Claire and I went to the South Bank markets for a while, where we made some new friends, a creepy juggling dude and an old woman in a badge tent. I got some new badges (which are on my Dailybooth) because I thought my guitar strap needed some revamping, it's looking a little bit underpopulated. So anyways, we went to the movies Claire dragged me and Myles into 17 Again, which was awful. One of those American movies that promote American Family Values, so it pissed me off on general principle. Also, it was a Zac Effron movie. Grr. And the plot was pretty bad. And also, they threw in a Harry Potter 3 reference to the part that was set in 1989, what the frick!
Anyway, we ended up all going off somewhere or other, and, while alone on a bus, trying to read, I ended up renewing my dislike of children. As a group of them sat behind me, shouting and screaming and kicking my chair and being small arseholes.
When I got home, my day got a bit funnier, as I got an email from Facebook saying that someone who I never really liked had asked me out via a wall comment, and upon inspecting my wall, I noticed that the entry had been hastily deleted. Lols ensued.


Nick said...

Still got a copy of the message? Could be worth a few lols when you're having a bad day.

Also - love the capitalization of American Family Values. Hurrah internet sarcasm!


Zerligraphy said...

But 17 Again has Matthew Perry, and everyone knows Matthew Perry is sexy.