Saturday, April 18, 2009

Please Explain

Right, so at my mum's place there are exactly zero people of the male...genre, and the only reason I phrased it that way, is to throw in an IT Crowd reference. So anyway. In this house of zero male influence, there are two bathrooms. One is my mum's ensuite, the other one is...the other one. The other bathroom is only used by me and my grandma. So, can somebody please explain to me how, in a bathroom used only by me and a 72-year-old woman, the TOILET SEAT CAN BE LEFT UP?!
Needless to say, it was an unpleasant experience, what with the fact that I don't go about noticing changes to the house (it once took me a whole month to notice that my mum tore up the front garden) and VERY NEARLY FELL IN.
So, there are two possible explainations. Grandma has been giggling all day at the thought of a small but worthwile prank, OR, she's seduced an old man and isn't telling anyone.
The first one is not only more likely (not to offend Grandma, just to say that all the old men in the area are either married or creepy), but alot less unnerving.


Zerligraphy said...
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Zerligraphy said...

Perhaps your house is haunted by a creepy yet horrible ghost that fails at haunting.

Or maybe your grandma threw up and didn't want to get any on the seat.

OR maybe the seat got stuck to her butt and when she stood up the seat followed.

Oor maybe its a magic seat and its trying to comunicate.

P.S. First post. A spelling misstake attacked me.