Thursday, June 4, 2009

I'm determined to post this blog!

By which I mean, I've gotten into the habit of randomly typing blogs then not posting them, so this one BETTER BE INTERESTING because I've promised myself that I'll post it.
So this past week I've been freaking the hell out. Mostly because I've had exactly this week to teach myself chem and maths, which I kindof did. And kindof played guitar instead of doing. And kindof freaked the hell out about and just sortof crashed and burned during the exams of.
Not so much crashed and burned, but I did learn the Circle Of Love (Unit Circle) and the Sexy Triangles (as Jonno calls them) the morning of the exam. Well, I learned them before, but I only cemented them into my brain and figured out how to use the bastards on the morning of the exam, yippee. Still, it's better than one class, their teacher didn't even TEACH her class the Circle Of Love and the Sexy Triangles. Seriously, the whole freaking exam was about the Circle Of Love and the Sexy Triangles.I then proceeded to finish my art assignment, which I'm rather proud of. It's the first time I've ever used a big-ass canvas, and I think it went pretty well.
Then on Wednesday, after writing four pages worth of English essay exam, I poked James until he taught me all the chemistry I had to know. I was annoyed on the exam that they had more stiochiometry questions than gas law questions. Seriously, is it that difficult to say "there's gas in a balloon, it inflates, what's the temperature, bitches!" except in a more chem-exam type of way.
So, this morning I had the chem exam, and halfway through I was completely disheartened and just wanted to give up and go home. Part of this was the exam, part of this was someone I'm a little bit kindof associated with before the exam saying "seriously, Izzie, if you get a higher mark on this exam than me, I'll be surprised, I mean come on." Anyone who has actually seen me furious before will know that it's not a pretty sight. And they will also know how close I came to actually attempting to tear her head off. It didn't help that queensland's win over NSW at Origin last night was then rubbed thoroughly into my face. I mean THOROUGHLY. I'd like to point out that calling us New South Welshies cockroaches is appaulingly incorrect. I lived in a small country town of NSW and only ever saw cockroaches at the post office at night. They were probably being posted from queensland...
Also, DISCLAIMER, which I tend to do a lot of, I don't care about Origin, mostly I'm pissed at all the pro-queensland crap the teachers do, along with the students. All of Mr Foster's emails have ended with "GO QUEENSLAND" for the past x-amount-of-emails, and there was a shrine set up to worship the Maroon flag. When I was in year 6, I had to keep my head down. I was a closeted NSW supporter, simply because all the blues supporters got double homework on origin nights (and triple if they won).
Anyway, enough of this topic.
Because I have no exams tomorrow, and it's the queen's birthday on monday, I've got a 4-day weekend. HOORAY! That's probably a good thing, because I've got so much sleep to catch up on. Seriously, I think the last two weeks of nervous energy has just hit me with a steamroller. At the moment I feel like I've been mauled by Jesus. Although, I am eating Applesauce, so that's definately a good thing.
There is, however, an event looming ever closer that I'm not looking forward to. Year 11 camp. Grr. It's mostly the first night I'm dreading. Camping. In tents. My mortal enemy. Other than that, it'll be four days of freezing my ass off while drowning in leeches and teamwork. My other two mortal enemies. Although, since I'm a regular visitor to the sickbay (diabetes stuff), I had a conversation with the nurse about it. Basically I was saying how I'm great at controlling my blood sugar and I've got it all good and stuff and there's not likely to be a massive-ass emergency or something. I then stepped outside and proceeded to commence the eating of a big-ass muffin. Ironic hilarity ensued.
Here's a comic I drawed.

Also, a habit I've gotten into (which I stole from xkcd) is whenever I hear [adjective]-ass [noun] I mentally move the hyphen over one word. Like sweet ass-car or huge ass-slice of cheesecake.


Zerligraphy said...

This blog makes me smile.

Nick said...

I agree with Zigfried - this made me smile!

Well, if Psychology taught me anything last year (and I like to hope it didn', because I hated it so) you can cram until at least half an hour before any exam, because thiry minutes is approximately the amount of time it takes to commit something to long term knowledge.

If life has taught me anything, it's that if you don't know the stuff when you wake up on the morning of the exams, you're stuffed whatever you do.

Unless it's English.

I managed to bullshit my way through a three hour English exam. I really wouldn't recommend it, but it can be done...

But then, I spent most of the lead up period to exams playing through "Super Mario World" on my Super Nintendo.

I would not advise this!

(Okay, it was way fun, but probably not good for me, or anyone else. I think I managed to coast through on my natural BRILLIANCE, but I'm pretty awesome... =P)

What else in this blog do I need to use as a segue into personal anecdotes? Ah yes...

School camps - insanity *is* a way out! I managed to get out of my year eight one by proving (one my year seven one) that, really, I was too crazy to go (remind me to tell you sometime...)

Sickbay - I spent a fair amount of time at my school's sickbay because Scott, our (note quotation marks) "nurse", was a really awesome guy, had a quite scary collection of really *bad* food in jars where everyone could grab some, *very* good knowledge of television, and verey blaise attitude about school.

Many is the "should've been in class" hour I've spent chatting about Doctor Who, while lying on a bed and eating Tiny Teddies.

The comic made me laugh. I demand more!

Also - any habit you gleaned from XKCD is inherently awesome.

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand back to my main point (if I have one, I've kind of lost track) keep playing the guitar, it's a worthwhile activity, and I regret not taking it up earlier.

And don't freak out - do what you can, and then, deal with whatever comes of it. DON'T give a toss about the whole "You must achieve 99.95" mentality! I did what I could, and ended up doing something I loved, so as long as *you* think you did okay, it really doesn't matter.

And now I end this insanely long comment/psuedo blog hijack.
