Monday, June 22, 2009

BEDHWP #3: Shoop-boop-shoopity-doop.

Yeah, I defaulted to my "I don't know what to title this motherfudger" title. It is actually from somewhere. There is one person who might be able to guess where, but I doubt that even he could guess.
Anyways, on with the blog.
Mostly I sat around today. Nothing was on TV, which was annoying.
I actually cooked food tonight. Just for me, so nobody else had to suffer through it, it's too salty and undercooked at best, but hey, it's food, and I cooked it.
That's about all I have to say, but hey, if you enjoyed this blog half as much as I enjoyed writing it, then I enjoyed this blog twice as much as you. Hahaha.

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