Wednesday, June 24, 2009

BEDHWP #5: movies

Yep, it's finally happened.
I saw V For Vendetta.
And I must say, it's freakin' awesome.
Yeah, movie day at a friend's, which we've been planning for a while, and the list of movies meant it would have turned from a movie day into a movie weekend into a movie week into a movie year into a movie lifetime. So the list was abridged to four. And of these four, we watched one, and also one that wasn't on the final list.
But hey, they were good movies.
For those interested, the other movie was The Big Lebowski.
And that sentence was redundant, because by the time you realise that you weren't interested, it was too late, you'd already read the sentence.
And, for your entertainment, here's a clip I've been laughing rather a lot at.

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