Friday, June 19, 2009

blllaaaarrrrrgh! MAAADDDDDNEEEESSSSSS!!!

So, it was the semi formal last night. That was actually more fun than I expected. I've been talking about not talking about it since January, and it actually happened.
I'm proud of myself on account of only jabbing myself in the eye with the mascara twice. YAY!
Now, all through the night (apart from putting the folded-paper-napkin-hat-thingeys on my head as a hat, because I'm cool like that) there were two things that I wanted to do/happen. One of them, I did. That was, speak after inhaling helium. Helium is officially the most fun thing to inhale. EVER.
The other thing didn't happen, and that was, line up all the girls with bad fake tans (lol, orange) and make them do the oompa-loompa dance. Somehow, that was difficult to arrange...and also, to get the full effect, the green hair would have been necessary...but hey, I can still lol.
If I had a good picture of the dress, I'd put it about here, but I don't have a picture that captures the COMPLETE AWESOMENESS of it. But there should be pictures done by the professional-picture-dudes put up on the professional-picture-dude website, so yeah, I'll have those at some point. Does anyone want to see the awesomeness of the dress? The skirt was AWESOME when I twirled. So awesome, in fact, that my Cha-Cha-Dance-Person-Dude would randomly say, "okay, TWIRL!" every now and then and I was like "AAGH! okay...*twirls*"

So, in other news, I feel like something's missing from my life. Is it the ultimate hair product? The love of - (AAGH! NO! MADDY! GET OUT OF MY BLOG!!! ART LESSONS MAY NOT BE IMMUNE TO YOUR PERSISTENCE AND OUTRIGHT FREAKING TENACITY ON A CERTAIN MATTER, BUT MY BLOG IS A SACRED PLACE OF IZZIE-NESS!!!)*? The imagination to form a proper list of examples?
What am I missing presently?
Damnit, I want theme music for my videos. Something awesome and original, not just the charlieissocoollike ripoff I was experimenting with last time I attacked my brainbox to squeeze out some deliscious theme-music-juice.
So...err...I suppose I'll get back to you on that...
This has been a very I'll-get-back-to-you-like blog, but hey, it even has a footnote. How about that.
But randomly now, you know what I love about my school? Gratuitous amounts of holidays. Three weeks off now. Three weeks. That's the first time since year 9 that I've had more time off than my cousin Michael (all through primary school I used to get more holidays than him, and now his school gets more time off than mine...grr...). Three weeks to sit on my arse and be all snooty and private-schooley. And yeah...maybe I'll read a book or something.

*there are very few people who will fully appreciate/understand this reference, to be honest, I just needed an example...shut up...and yes, I am aware of the irony...

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