Monday, June 29, 2009

BEDHWP #10: mrrrrwwrroooorrrwwww

I'm actually not sure what I typed in the title there, perhaps a sort of growling sound?
I didn't do a great deal today. Although, I did go to GoMA (Gallery of Modern Art) which was pretty cool. Mostly to listen to my dad ranting about what is and isn't art.
I saw an episode of the Australian Top Gear, and I think it's a bit rubbish. It just follows the same formula of the British Top Gear. IT'S BEEN DONE! THEY'RE DOING IT WELL! STOP TRYING TO BE THEM!!!
And I also drank some expired fizzy drink. I didn't think fizzy drink expiry dates are really for paying attention to, but I'm feeling a bit sick right now. Wouldn't reccommend month-and-a-bit-expired Sprite Zero.
But then again, I wouldn't reccommend Sprite Zero.

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