Sunday, June 14, 2009


So, today I confronted two fears.
The first being my stepmum's car. It's a manual, no air conditioning, no power steering, an odd smell (not a bad smell, just interesting), most of the doors don't work properly and the windows go up and down whenever they damn well please.
I drove it today. Now, I've never driven a manual before, and well, Lisa's car probably isn't the best to start with. But a worse one to start with would be my mum's car. With that one, you have to have been driving it for 14 years in order to gradually learn to compensate with the car's gradual decline. Don't get me wrong, it's an awesome car, people run away and/or shit themselves whenever they see the big red volvomobile roaring along. I didn't even drive for the full hour, I couldn't stand more than 20 minutes.
The other one being makeup. The buying, application and wearing of makeup. It completely terrifies me. It scares me more than going to the dentist, and I usually end up humming the Darth Vader music there. Now, the first time someone had to put makeup on my face, they began to call me the Phantom Blinker. Now, the thing is, she was sticking a pencil in my eye. If someone ever offers to do eyeliner for you, DON'T LET THEM! So, my mum practically dragged me into Myer to find all that face-stuff for the semi formal on thursday, and I had one rule, it's not going on my face until the semi formal. This rule was broken almost immediately. I don't know what number my skin tone is, but that was a question fired at me immediately.
So, all the stuff was on my face, which I just couldn't hide. The eyes I could deal with, but the rest, all that lipsick and blush, I couldn't look at myself, nor could I allow myself to be seen. And yes, I know I'll have to put up with it on Thursday, but really, it's a bit much for just being in Hyperdome (otherwise known as Hyperhole, Bogandome and Boganhole). So, after about half an hour of awkwardly looking at my feet, I dove into a bathroom and got the worst of it off my face, at which point, I could go out in public again, just.

Anyway, in other news, the milk-steamer on the coffee machine works again, so wew.


Zerligraphy said...

See whan I wear make-up its always "character" make-up. It always looks weird, scared small children and is made to make my face look like a canvas.
Last make-up feat. A love heart dripping from my right eye. Connected to my eye with a vein. Nice.

Next time, I recomend you try it out. Drawing on your face with make-up that is.
P.S. i'm allergic to eyeliner unless its liquid. Yay?

Nick said...

The milk-steamer works? Oh thank god!

It's intriguing to me - you females make such an effort when it comes to formals - the dresses, the makeup, the hair, nails, stressing about whether or not so-and-so will hook up with such-and-such that quite often you overlook the entire point of such events: to have fun!

Males have it so much eaasier: we slap on a suit, order a limo, and turn up.

Don't lose sight of the fact that you are meant to be enjoying yourself (although I'm inclinded to think that you, of all people, will get that).

My own year twelve formal was a litany of horrors that, one day, will make a very, very good book, possibly going so far as to make Oprah's Book Club. That said, it was a very memorable night, and a lot of fun.

How was camp? Any horror stories?

As for driving - I do not possess a license, nor am I attempting to go for mine as of yet, but would it not be logical to practice in a manual? I mean, automatic does everything for you....