Sunday, June 21, 2009


I had an awesome day. Like, really freakin' awesome day. Why? Because today was T.E.D. (Theatre Experience Day). And because I'm a big, badass senior extention 2 badass, this means that it was the Improv Showcase.
Now, I haven't been like, properly excited about anything in ages, but I was freakin' excited about this.
I also watched all the regular classes in their self-devised-scripted-pieces that they do, and had a proud moment at South Brisbane Senior Saturday, in remembering that just last year, I was one of them, and they did me proud. Seriously, all the regular classes did REALLY FREAKIN' WELL, because they pwn at stuff.
And I have never seen as much fake-kissing as I did in the Senior Extention 1 performances. Seriously. They were all hilarious, heavily accented and probably a little bit horny. But that's pretty much to be expected somehow.
If there was one thing I could change, it would be that I'd actually get to see Senior Extention 2 Monday. But I only caught the last few minutes because Senior Extention 2 Friday (me!) had to warm up and stuff. But I'm sure they were awesome.
Now, my class, we freakin' pwned! In my scene, I actually cried, which I'm enormously proud/smug about. Not only that, but I turned crying about dying of cancer into a rant about Twilight, which included the line, "and the glitter skin? OMG! I'M SO PRETTY AND SO UGLY AT THE SAME TIME!!!" And some of my many many many favourite moments were a) Sam's shuffle/falling down; b) Odelle(sp?) swallowing a joint/cigarette/bong/daffodil/whatever it was at that point in the scene; c) Cameron's line, "should've had sons..."
What I caught of Ext. 3 was very very awesome, there were some really awesome scenes there.

And now all that's left to do is stay up late for no reason.


Nick said...

Oedipal, I think, but well done!

Zerligraphy said...

The shame that I hide deep down inside my stomach is that I remember mostly all of the lines you said.
I memorised them as I continuously muttered my undying love for you.
I'm sorry.
Now wait, I'm not.