Tuesday, June 30, 2009

BEDHWP #11: bacon, coffee and John Green

First things first, John Green's last video says everything I've ever wanted to shout at a YouTube hater.
Also, I wrote a song. That's right, another one. It's on the interwebs now. See it, love it, stalk it, etc it. Now, I'm writing a lot of songs. As in, more than the exact zero I used to. And I think this is because I abandoned seriousness when writing, because my serious songs were always really crap. But I'm considering (when I get a heap more subscribers of course) making a second, totally music channel. Called something like izziesmagicalmusic or izziessexytunes or bellacoustic or something along the lines. Although, I doubt that'll happen unless enough people kick up a fuss. Dear readers, please don't kick up a fuss just because I said that.
So, my dad got a very interesting tea today. I can't remember what it's called, suffice it to say that the name is tricky to pronounce. But the thing is, I haven't tried it for one reason, and one reason only. The smell. It smells like bacon. That's right. Bacon. I was creeped out by this, because really, only bacon should smell like bacon.
And yes, I'm completely aware that I discussed points in the exact opposite order than the title would suggest. That began unintentional, but then I was like "I can't say the bacon thing before the coffee thing now!!" so it became backwards.

1 comment:

Nick said...

When I saw the title, I couldn't help but sing "these are a few of my favourite things!"
