Monday, May 4, 2009

Things that happened while I was driving today...

  • I passed cyclists and found a new mortal enemy...
  • I drove straight over the top of the very same roundabout that my dad drove straight over the top of once when I was ten
  • Two people (looking VERY couple-ey) who looked rather alot like Vivi (Acting Academy teacher) and Frezned (YouTuber) went into a rather abandoned-looking building.
  • I ended up with Total Eclipse Of The Heart (turn around, every now and then I get a little bit lonely that you're never coming 'round...) stuck in my head, which is never a good thing, driving or not


Nick said...


Total Eclipse Of The Heart is an awesome song!

LameHobo said...

Tis Awesome!

Maybe it was Vivi??? Who knows?