Thursday, May 21, 2009


I've been invited to FOUR Twilight-related groups on Facebook.
All of these invitations were sent by one person.
All of these groups I've refused to join.
One was just called Twilight, except it had a bunch of random embellishments to go with it (.>-_`~) which somehow made it distinct from all the other fangirl-made Twilight groups.
Another was "1,000,000 Strong To Publish Midnight Sun." For those who don't know, Midnight Sun is the next book in the series, which is essentially the first book written from Edward's perspective for some reason. The draft was leaked on the internet, and Stephanie Meyer got all annoyed and said "Right, if that's how you feel, no Midnight Sun for you." Now, I'd join this group JUST TO SHUT THE FANGIRLS UP. But I didn't, because I simply don't have time to go about explaining this to people, also, if Stephanie Meyer got over herself and let the book get published, it wouldn't shut the fangirls up, it'd just give them something new to endlessly talk shit about.
"Because I Love Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse and Breaking Dawn" was the most tortured. Seriously, it was this point where I began losing faith in humanity, considering so many supurfluous Twilight groups could be made. And honestly, if you join a group called "Twilight" it's pretty obvious that you rather like the freaking series. COME ON! THIS POINT DOES NOT NEED TO BE ELABORATED.
Lastly and most simply, "Alice Cullen." A simple title, but a page that, I think, could require some further explaination, or could possibly serve a greater purpose as a fan page. What, pray, is the point of a group simply called "Alice Cullen." Surely, "People Who Rather Like Alice Cullen" would be a better title. Or are they simply trying to assume the identity of Alice, which is the most completely bizzare reason to join a group...and surely there are more convincing, elaborate and creepy ways to assume the identity of a fictional character.
And, just so I don't end on a rant, I'd have to say the best two Twilight ripoffs are this one and this one.

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