Tuesday, May 12, 2009


This is pretty much the awesomest thing I did today (apart from having a massive epiphany about my maths assignment).
I fixed my old iPod shuffle!
Now, this is only remarkable for two reasons:
1. I'm bad at computers.
2. It was my dad who broke it in the first place.
See, the company he used to work at gave him a free shuffle for some reason, but he couldn't make it work, so he made it work in some really odd way, which involves NOT WORKING AT ALL! Okay, so it worked for a bit, but then died hideously. Anyway. He gave it to me in the hopes that I'd be better at it. For a long time, it remained broken, but today I fixed it.
I'm not sure how.
But I did.
Now, even though I have an iPod touch (which I love), that isn't going to stop me being enormously smug about fixing this, which I doubt will be particularly useful...ever...but hey! I fixed it!

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John Woo said...
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