Wednesday, May 6, 2009


...that I'm not looking forward to:
- Year 11 camp
- The semi formal
- Explaining the dress I'm wearing to people, and the exact reason why I'm wearing it
- The eventual worsening of this sore throat
- The internet buggering up again
- The next piece of english assessment
- Doing my maths assignment

...that I AM looking forward to:
- Reading Paper Towns
- Friday
- Acting Academy winter camp =]
- My bed not falling apart again
- Whatever musical I see next (yes, I can be excited about indefinates, shut up, in fact, just for questioning me, the next point)
- Any fantasmic musical/play/movie/whatever else I happen to see in the future (take THAT you inquiring bastard!)
- Making a better point in a blog...

...that I should probably do:
- Get an OP prediction
- Study harder in Chemistry
- Finish reading 48 Shades Of Brown
- Work on those songs I should work on (for guitar ensemble/music assessment/other)
- Art homework
- Write that monologue for drama

...that should happen more often:
- Me seeing certain friends who I don't see often enough
- Me relaxing
- Sudden explosions of inspiration

...that should probably happen less often:
- People misusing the words 'less' and 'fewer'
- My various unsuccessful attempts at (metaphorically) killing James (he's starting to fight back, that's not a good sign)
- James provoking these various unsuccessful attempts at me (metaphorically) killing him
- People doing ten-minute unscripted video diaries
- Hyperglycemia (high blood sugar)
- Hypoglycemia (low blood sugar)
- Me complaining about diabetes
- Me complaining in blog format

And now it's curtains for this blog post. Lacy, gently wafting curtains. (Ten points for anyone who picks up that reference...but let's face it, it's gunna be Ziggy).

1 comment:

Nick said...

Ah, no, it's gonna be me.

It's from "Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog".

Nick Jones AWAY!