Friday, May 15, 2009

As if we needed further proof...

So, I do tend to over-think some things. And I also tend to under-think on occasion...not very often...but usually I think at just the right level for me, which some think is too much, but anyway, on with the blog.
One such occasion (over-thinking) occurred in the girls' bathroom at school. I was overhearing one of those conversations, you know the ones, "oh my god, I'm so fat!" "you're not fat! I am!" "you're not fat, if you're fat, I'm obese!"
The kind of conversations that only impossibly skinny girls have.
Of course, there was something I desperately wanted to say to them, which of course, I didn't, because with their limited brain capacity, it probably would have broken their minds and taken away their only conversation topic. Also, it'd be creepy if I were having a conversation and some bespectacled nerd burst forth from a cubicle to deliver a message that picked holes in every aspect of the conversation I was having.
The thing I wanted to say was this:
Now, look. You know it, I know it, the whole freaking school knows it. You two are skinny. Impossibly so. You walk the corridors leaving waves of envy, so to hear you have this conversation is like watching the "Fires In Pompeii" episode of Doctor Who, it should never have happened. Also, just step back for a moment and try to figure out what exactly you are trying to achieve by having this conversation. Clearly you don't have your objectives in order, or you wouldn't be speaking right now, and I wouldn't be interrupting. Do you want the other person to simply say "yeah, you're fat and horrible and I'm skinny and gorgeous and my life is perfect because of it," or are you just stuck in a loop and need someone to press Ctrl+Alt+Delete? Now, perhaps instead of having this conversation, we could all just go our separate ways, and why don't you two go to the tuckshop and get yourselves a muffin each, as it seems you're both fairly malnourished and desperately in need of some carbohydrate. Thank you and good day.

1 comment:

Nick said...

Muffins are the win.

Actually, they're just fishing for a compliment - they know they're not fat, but their insecurities demand that someone else say it, because they cannot...I don't know, take/accept their own word? Either way, the converstaion stems from a desire to be corrected, because they feel insecure.

Although, you probably got that.

What is it with skinny girls and complaining about weight? Almost enough to turn me sexist...