Friday, May 8, 2009

just saying

Am I not allowed to have completely good days? Like, totally and completely awesome with no unawesome? It doesn't seem so. I mean, I've had a few of those in the past few months (one of which involved Tim Minchin rather heavily...) but I think I'm cursed. I had a good day today. It was a good day. All my subjects were good. Even dance practice (yes, they're making us learn progressive dances for the Semi Formal...*shudder*) was alright. More alright than usual, which scares me a little. It was a good day. I got hit in the face with a volleyball, ran up a hill, missed a train, ran up another hill and was late for acting academy, and neither of those could dampen my day. NONE OF IT! And acting academy was fantastic (as usual). The drive home was filled with my delightful rants about nothing.
Then I got home. Dinner was already on the table, so I had no time to do any of the usual just-got-home stuff, but that was okay. I was determined that that would be okay. Grandma was watching a news story about the deteriorating health of Queenslanders, but that was okay. Then it started. Certain people at my mum's place end up in heated discussions about human or animal rights or education or obesity problems or the latest thing about me that seems in need of discussion and subsequent berating or (as was this case) how if you die of something horrible, it's your own stupid fault. Tonight, it was about the increase in people getting diabetes, and this has never been a good topic to bring up with me. Theres something about the D word being said in such a condesending manner that just brings back memories of hospitals and freaking out and nobody telling me exactly what was going on but continually prodding me with things and injecting stuff.
So yeah, my day's been good, it's just dinner time that sucks diseased monkeys.

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