Monday, February 9, 2009

The world is getting stupider.

Richard Williamson was a bishop who was excomunnicated from the Catholic church because of several things he said. Recently, Pope Benedict lifted the excommunication so that they could begin the process of rehabilitating him into bishopness again.

This is just one example of the general idiocy of some peope. Richard Williamson has repetedly denied that the holocaust caused the death of 6 million Jews. He is now "reconsidering" the historical evidence. So basically, he's gunna say "yep, sorry about that, the holocaust happened, my bad," and then become a bishop again.

This isn't the only thing he's said. He strongly believes that women should not be allowed to go to university or wear trousers. He also wants men to be more "manly." (just a side note, bishops wear pink robes, therefore opposing any generally accepted version of masculinity...just saying). He has been quoted to say "A woman can do a good imitation of handling ideas, but then she will not be thinking properly as a woman. Did this lawyeress check her hairdo before coming into court? If she did, she is a distracted lawyer. If she did not, she is one distorted woman."

First of all, the word "lawyeress" isn't exaclty the most PC term he could be using to decribe this idea of a "distorted woman" and secondly, it's ideas like this that's keeping us in the middle ages.

Seriously, check the graph.

Okay, so it's a graph about scientific advancement, but the idea remains.
It wasn't until the Renaissance that women were allowed to sing or play instruments either.
Now, I don't often go on rants about spesific people, but this one really deserved it.

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