Friday, February 6, 2009

Not so great...

Vitamin water.
I tried some today, not entirely sure what I was expecting, but I sure wasn't expecting the reality that is vitamin water.
Right, first off, what the hell is Dragonfruit? I've heard of it, but I'm not entirely sure what it should taste like, but I'm guessing that it doesn't taste like watered-down red cordial, and if it turns out that it does, then I will admit defeat, but until that happens, I will remain certain that the bottle lies.
And another thing, for something that claims to be healthy, it shouldn't have so much sugar. It claims to only have fructose (the sugar that comes naturally in fruit), so either it's lying, or there really is 27 grams of pure carbohydrate in dragonfruit. As a diabetic, I'm a little more knowledgeable about what counts as sugary and what doesn't than your average vitamin water buyer, so I'm not sure how many people think that 27 grams per serve is a reasonable amount, because it isn't. That's about the same as a large chocolate milkshake.
Which segueys (sp?) perfectly into my third point, WHERE WAS THE TASTE? There's a fine line between 'subtle' and 'virtually non-existant' and vitamin water doesn't come close. It tasted rather watered-down, and quite unlike it came from a fruit, dragon or otherwise. For something with so much sugar, it really should be sweeter.

So in conclusion, it's disappointing and sugary. I'm still trying to pull down the resulting high blood sugar, which is harder than it sounds.

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