Sunday, February 22, 2009

Mens' Arses

Now that I have your attention.

This week, I:
-Turned 16
-Wrote a song
-Realised how desperately I really need my sleep
-Comandeered my mum's guitar
-Spent a very long time on the verandah(sp?) for the first time since moving in
-Began to appreciate my own voice
-Bamboozled a cat
-Came to terms with something that had been bugging me for nearly a year
-This then spouted a huge arguement with my own subconscious, had to give it a pep-talk about the teachings of the Buddha (ie. the cause of suffering is desire)
-Realised that I can be fairly self-centred at times
-Finally learned how to spell "original" since I've been spelling it wrong for years
-Had some truly bizzare dreams (in most of them, the people had shorter hair than they did in reality, somebody's gotten into my dreams and gave everyone haircuts...)
-Found out just how much I'd been torturing someone for about a year without realising it
-Had to explain something VERY obvious to someone who was being VERY stupid
-Figured out which fears were rational and which were irrational
-Had far too much fun saying "Exterminate" into a fan to hear myself sounding like a Dalek
-Decided against sorting out my priorities
-Figured that, hey, life happens, I'm halfway to 32, and 16 years was a really long time in retrospect, something'll happen and damn, it's gotta be good.

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