Monday, February 2, 2009


Well! Today certainly was more interesting than your average monday...oooh, that's far too cliche...

Anyways, I got in trouble for swearing today...but it's not what you think, Izzie-guttermouth was actually innocent this time! Fancy that.
It was in English, and me and Ayla were quoting this video. We were quoting the part that says "Hallifax is a SEX KNIGHT!" but we weren't told off for the words "sex knight" we were told off for going "Shing! shing! shing!" What the frick?

Anyway, I also found out that there's actually an upside to having an ear infection. I know, stop the presses! There's an upside to having gremlins in your ear that seem intent upon killing you in your sleep!
The thing is, water makes the ear gremlins angry, so therefore, I can't go swimming, so therefore, I'M NOT SWIMMING IN THE SWIMMING CARNIVAL!!!!! And by that I mean, this time, I actually have an excuse, rather than just giving an excessively long fake name just to confuse people (last time it was Haushinka McO'Connerellmenhangenstork)

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