Wednesday, February 18, 2009


16. It's a good number. Halfway to 32, and considering how 16 was a friggin long time, it seems I have a very long time to go.
My birthday was freakin awesome.
I got Paper Towns by John Green, a book I've been searching for since it was released, so that was fantastic.
When I got home, I found something rather odd, my mother had filled my bedroom with purple balloons. Yes, balloons. Reminded me vaguely of the conclusion that me and Kris came to that when mixed, malteasers and movie popcorn taste like balloons. I remain in solidarity that that is definately the case.
One of the more spectacularly awesome gifts I got was this, that Clare made me.

How awesome? Very awesome.
For more birthday antics, check out my DeviantART, here.

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