Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Album Giveage?

Hi everyone
Has anyone got these albums? Cos I'm having a Me Wantee moment.
Could anyone burn them to disc and give them to me or put them in a zip file and email them to me or maybe I'll sneak into your house at night and rape your iTunes with my external hard drive.

Sweeney Todd Soundtrack
Tim Minchin - Dark Side
Tim Minchin - So Rock
Kate Miller-Heidke - Curiouser
Hank Green - So Jokes
Chiodos - Bone Palace Ballet
Doctor Horrible's Singalong Blog soundtrack
Pirates of the Caribbean soundtrack
Chicago Soundtrack

Sunday, February 22, 2009

just a quick post, it pretty much sums it all up anyway...

There was an ass.
And Slumdog Millionaire kicked it.

Mens' Arses

Now that I have your attention.

This week, I:
-Turned 16
-Wrote a song
-Realised how desperately I really need my sleep
-Comandeered my mum's guitar
-Spent a very long time on the verandah(sp?) for the first time since moving in
-Began to appreciate my own voice
-Bamboozled a cat
-Came to terms with something that had been bugging me for nearly a year
-This then spouted a huge arguement with my own subconscious, had to give it a pep-talk about the teachings of the Buddha (ie. the cause of suffering is desire)
-Realised that I can be fairly self-centred at times
-Finally learned how to spell "original" since I've been spelling it wrong for years
-Had some truly bizzare dreams (in most of them, the people had shorter hair than they did in reality, somebody's gotten into my dreams and gave everyone haircuts...)
-Found out just how much I'd been torturing someone for about a year without realising it
-Had to explain something VERY obvious to someone who was being VERY stupid
-Figured out which fears were rational and which were irrational
-Had far too much fun saying "Exterminate" into a fan to hear myself sounding like a Dalek
-Decided against sorting out my priorities
-Figured that, hey, life happens, I'm halfway to 32, and 16 years was a really long time in retrospect, something'll happen and damn, it's gotta be good.

Friday, February 20, 2009

collective nouns

My mum and I, on a particularly uneventful car ride, came up with some collective nouns that perhaps nobody's figured out yet.

A p'zazz of drama students
A compound of chemists
A mullet of bogans
A tangle of hairdressers
A collision of physicists
A theorum of philosophers
A mitosis of biologists
A query of psychaitrists
A shoe of runners
A giggle of comedians
A sum of mathematicians
A chord of musos
A bimbo of heiresses
A swarm of entomologists
A paragraph of etomologists
An intimidation of body builders
A shock of electricians

And finally...
A collective noun of literature enthusiasts.

Thursday, February 19, 2009


So, the birthday vibe has worn off and now I feel slightly sick. Not physically sick, just a sort of annoyance with the events that unfold. I shouldn't feel like this, but that's probably the worst thing you could tell someone who does feel terrible.
That's the only way I can describe it, emotionally sick. That feeling, niggling at the back of my mind. Just sitting there, not daring to intrude too much, but it's there enough to send my emotions downward.
Valentines day rocks up, all full of itself, decides to make me feel lonely, but that's okay, because that's what Valentines does, then my birthday appears, my one day where I can justify the world revolving around me (which, by the way, it does).
And now the vibes, good and bad, are gone, and what's left is the emotional unrest. Just the awkwardness, the fear, the loathing, the longing to be accepted, to be liked, to be loved, to mean something, to someone, not just someone, but also me.

When I was younger, like 3-5 years old, I had a fantastic best friend. His name was Michiel. Michiel was awesome, we used to tell each other stories, go to each other's houses, play in the mud, we were pretty much part of each other's families. That all changed when I moved to Brisbane and we never saw each other again. I don't really remember a sense of loss, that I was losing the greatest friend a four-year-old could ask for.

Suddenly I get the feeling that I'm, well, boring. Sure, there are people who I know will disagree, but then again, paranoia does tend to settle in when someone on MSN hasn't said something in a long time. Only talks when I talk. Never tells me about themself. I can't do all the prying, sometimes I just feel like I might be intruding on privacy. Like really, who wants me to know stuff about them, who am I to be ranting on and on.

There it is again, the self-concept gremlins, intent upon making me the most awkward, distant person I could be.
Can I confess something?
I think I'm bored. Bored of people who won't talk, who aren't interested, who just...aren't or don't or wont or can't be buggered.
So please, talk to me, I don't mind, you may think it's trivial, like I don't want to know things, but mostly, I want to know what you want to tell me, and maybe you'll find stuff out about me. Stuff can be interesting, you know.

I guess I'm just on a low-self-concept rant at the moment, but that doesn't take away any validity.


I think I've been posessed. Posessed by Squelch, the INCREDIBLE SWEAT MONSTER.
By that, I mean that the humidity today was FRIGGIN UNNACCEPTABLE! Goddamn. I walked into an airconditioned room and the warm, humid air outside met the cool, dry front of the inside and it started raining in the doorway.
Am I being serious? Or am I not?

Wednesday, February 18, 2009


16. It's a good number. Halfway to 32, and considering how 16 was a friggin long time, it seems I have a very long time to go.
My birthday was freakin awesome.
I got Paper Towns by John Green, a book I've been searching for since it was released, so that was fantastic.
When I got home, I found something rather odd, my mother had filled my bedroom with purple balloons. Yes, balloons. Reminded me vaguely of the conclusion that me and Kris came to that when mixed, malteasers and movie popcorn taste like balloons. I remain in solidarity that that is definately the case.
One of the more spectacularly awesome gifts I got was this, that Clare made me.

How awesome? Very awesome.
For more birthday antics, check out my DeviantART, here.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

A conversation I had with my mum.

Izzie: What's that?
Mum: (reading label) Multi-purpose cobweb broom.
Izzie: Multi-purpose?
Mum: Yep.
Izzie: What other purpose could a cobweb broom serve?

Valentimes is serious times.

I figured since this is a Valentines comic, I should post it on my blog, because of a series of thoughts that are far too complicated to write in blog form.
For more jaded valentines antics, click here.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

And without anything better to blog about...

...it's my birthday on Wednesday.
The 18th.

I've tried to write a good blog three times this afternoon, and none of them worked out.
Oh well.

Monday, February 9, 2009

The world is getting stupider.

Richard Williamson was a bishop who was excomunnicated from the Catholic church because of several things he said. Recently, Pope Benedict lifted the excommunication so that they could begin the process of rehabilitating him into bishopness again.

This is just one example of the general idiocy of some peope. Richard Williamson has repetedly denied that the holocaust caused the death of 6 million Jews. He is now "reconsidering" the historical evidence. So basically, he's gunna say "yep, sorry about that, the holocaust happened, my bad," and then become a bishop again.

This isn't the only thing he's said. He strongly believes that women should not be allowed to go to university or wear trousers. He also wants men to be more "manly." (just a side note, bishops wear pink robes, therefore opposing any generally accepted version of masculinity...just saying). He has been quoted to say "A woman can do a good imitation of handling ideas, but then she will not be thinking properly as a woman. Did this lawyeress check her hairdo before coming into court? If she did, she is a distracted lawyer. If she did not, she is one distorted woman."

First of all, the word "lawyeress" isn't exaclty the most PC term he could be using to decribe this idea of a "distorted woman" and secondly, it's ideas like this that's keeping us in the middle ages.

Seriously, check the graph.

Okay, so it's a graph about scientific advancement, but the idea remains.
It wasn't until the Renaissance that women were allowed to sing or play instruments either.
Now, I don't often go on rants about spesific people, but this one really deserved it.

Friday, February 6, 2009

Not so great...

Vitamin water.
I tried some today, not entirely sure what I was expecting, but I sure wasn't expecting the reality that is vitamin water.
Right, first off, what the hell is Dragonfruit? I've heard of it, but I'm not entirely sure what it should taste like, but I'm guessing that it doesn't taste like watered-down red cordial, and if it turns out that it does, then I will admit defeat, but until that happens, I will remain certain that the bottle lies.
And another thing, for something that claims to be healthy, it shouldn't have so much sugar. It claims to only have fructose (the sugar that comes naturally in fruit), so either it's lying, or there really is 27 grams of pure carbohydrate in dragonfruit. As a diabetic, I'm a little more knowledgeable about what counts as sugary and what doesn't than your average vitamin water buyer, so I'm not sure how many people think that 27 grams per serve is a reasonable amount, because it isn't. That's about the same as a large chocolate milkshake.
Which segueys (sp?) perfectly into my third point, WHERE WAS THE TASTE? There's a fine line between 'subtle' and 'virtually non-existant' and vitamin water doesn't come close. It tasted rather watered-down, and quite unlike it came from a fruit, dragon or otherwise. For something with so much sugar, it really should be sweeter.

So in conclusion, it's disappointing and sugary. I'm still trying to pull down the resulting high blood sugar, which is harder than it sounds.

Monday, February 2, 2009

I am a Vampire.

Holy bollocks, I didn't realise I actually have that song on my iPod.
In fact, I have the entire Juno soundtrack, WITHOUT MY KNOWLEDGE!
There's some kind of conspiracy going on, CDs are appearing in my iTunes library without my consent or knowledge...


Well! Today certainly was more interesting than your average monday...oooh, that's far too cliche...

Anyways, I got in trouble for swearing today...but it's not what you think, Izzie-guttermouth was actually innocent this time! Fancy that.
It was in English, and me and Ayla were quoting this video. We were quoting the part that says "Hallifax is a SEX KNIGHT!" but we weren't told off for the words "sex knight" we were told off for going "Shing! shing! shing!" What the frick?

Anyway, I also found out that there's actually an upside to having an ear infection. I know, stop the presses! There's an upside to having gremlins in your ear that seem intent upon killing you in your sleep!
The thing is, water makes the ear gremlins angry, so therefore, I can't go swimming, so therefore, I'M NOT SWIMMING IN THE SWIMMING CARNIVAL!!!!! And by that I mean, this time, I actually have an excuse, rather than just giving an excessively long fake name just to confuse people (last time it was Haushinka McO'Connerellmenhangenstork)

Sunday, February 1, 2009


A thought occurred to me just then.

I was helping out Clare with her homework, and it was about Oral History (from what we could figure out, it was history that is mostly word of mouth) and it gave me an idea.
I'm wondering how far down a generation a word-of-mouth story can be passed, without writing it down and keeping it within one family (which, thinking about it, would make it really easy to detect inbreeding). Like one person tells their child/children, then they tell their child/children and so on.
It would be like one MASSIVE game of Chinese Whispers.