Sunday, January 25, 2009

Queen Izzie of the Land of Fail

I just epic failed, more than I've ever epic failed before.
So, my mum said that if I'm at home and she's out, I should text her if we run out of something, therefore she can pick it up.
I sent two of these such texts in the past two days.
Yesterday, it was about mayonnaise, but my grandma had also noticed that we were out of mayonnaise, and even though I said that mum would be getting it, as I'd sent her a text, she still went out and got some, and this is how we ended up with two jars of really good mayonnaise.
Today, I noticed that the milk was about to run out, and since I had no idea where my mum was (after looking around the kitchen, then the living room, then giving up my search), I assumed she was out, and sent her a text that simply said "Milk!"
It was all going well until about two minutes ago, (like, two hours after I sent the text), when my mum called, seems she didn't understand why I'd sent a text that said "Milk!" and needed clarification, so I said, "We're nearly out of milk," at this point, she hung up, opened the door and said "I know, I was in the study when I got the text."


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