Thursday, January 1, 2009

I wrote a story.

The stimulis was a cat and a dog who somehow stopped a burgulary(sp?). We had to write a story targeted at ten year olds, so I wrote this...

It is never a good thing when your pets are smarter than your parents.
The thing about my dad is he goes a bit mad about savings. I never thought it was a good idea to buy 247 cans of multi-purpose pet food. What my immediate reaction was to wonder what other purpose pet food could possibly serve. I pitched my question at a very reliable source (my granddad) who told me that he was the one who invented a question mark, so that wasn’t very helpful.
But quite possibly the stupidest thing they’ve ever done is the time they captured Reginald the Yeti and locked him in a makeshift basement that was built out of the shed that had to be super-glued to the house and held there by ninjas and pirates who had formed an alliance under an ancient code that that also said that during the winter, ducks had to wear long pants and scarves and speak in a series of unintelligible mumbled syllables.
Unfortunately, mum and dad also kept Gerald the Wolverine and Jimmy the Gryphon in the basement too, so it was really hard to explain to my friends.
Anyways, that particular night, they had left the front, back and side doors open, as well as all the downstairs windows and left the keys to the car on a rotating plinth in the foyer, along with the instructions to open the wall safe. Strange things happen when they take each others’ prescription medication.
So, being an easy target, we were broken into, because nobody could possibly resist any of the aforementioned stupidities.
I heard a lot of crashing that night that somehow my parents slept through. In the morning, after looking through the window at the pool to see a shark teaching the clarinet to Captain Jellylegs Bellamy, I went downstairs to find my dog, Gerard, and my cat, Frankie looking rather smug, surrounded by cans of multi-purpose pet food. In the basement, the thieves, Reginald the Yeti, Gerald the Wolverine and Jimmy the Gryphon were playing Guitar Hero on the newly stolen Xbox. Gerald was winning.
It turned out that the so-called thieves were from the RSPCA and the New Bedlam Mental Health Clinic, who had come to arrest my parents for imprisoning bizarre animals and also to commit them for being completely mental. So me, Captain Jellylegs Bellamy, the Shark and Gerald the Wolverine formed a band and toured the nation’s aquariums for a while before breaking out into the major music scene.

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