Saturday, January 31, 2009

My Mad Grandma

My family is bizzare, and all that bizzarity has pretty much condensed in the form of my grandma.
Two bizzare things she's said, well, one bizzare and one frightening.
"Oh, you have such smart friends, you should form a band!"

Grandma: So, do you keep in touch with your friends using those various technologies?
Izzie: Yeah.
Grandma: Which ones? *stares*
Izzie: You know...them...
Grandma: *continues staring*
Izzie: You know, *lists friends*
Grandma: *continues staring*
Izzie: err...
Grandma: *continues staring*
Izzie: *takes bite of pasta*
Grandma: So, how is everyone?
Izzie: *chews*
Grandma: *stares*
Izzie: *chews*
Grandma: *stares*
Izzie: Good.
Grandma: Well, that's good *continues eating*

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