Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Girly Izzie? WTF?

Right, I'm not the girliest of girls, but I have my moments.
Occasionally they surface when I see a pair of shoes I quite like (that AREN'T Converse! *audible gasp*) but one such happened yesterday on MSN with a friend.
This friend told me that he should do more excercise, as he'd lost seven kilos over the holidays.
Let's break apart that sentence:
should do more excercise - acceptable beginning to the sentence
because he's lost seven kilos - WTF? He's actually LAMENTING the loss of seven kilos? If I lost seven kilos, I'd be sending them on their merry way without sheding a tear! Each individual kilogram would be sent off in a parade of healthy snacks in their honour! They would be sent away in the glory that is an Izzie that is seven kilograms lighter! A whole seven kilograms toward a proper shape! Possibly even the loss of a whole dress size! An Izzie that gets seven kilograms more lost in that voluminous school dress of hers!

Then I remembered, this is James I'm talking to. James who likes fast cars and the scantily clad women posing on them.
To put it in the words of Moss (The IT Crowd), I am a giddy goat.

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