Thursday, January 8, 2009

New Years Resloutions

So, it's a little late to be blogging about my new years resolutions, 8 days late to be precise, but hey, I figured I should probably write them down in a place I'll remember and won't lose them...
And I don't usually do new years resolutions, but this year I am, so that makes it really awesome.
  • Put actual effort into my physical appearance
  • Be a bit more sociable (let's not go mad here...)
  • Don't stuff up year 11
  • For the love of christ, understand music more, play instruments more, get within the stave and mingle with the semiquavers
  • Not be so mean to my cousin William
  • Read more and more often
  • Do better at subjects I'm not great at
  • Not be immediately angered and irrationaly hold grudges

And that's about it some of it will be be pretty easy, some of it pretty difficult...the first one I'm not even sure how I'll go about that, so that's gunna be really difficult, but I'll see how it goes.

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