Thursday, December 31, 2009

New Years!

So another year has passed. Seriously, 2009 went ridiculously quickly, did anyone else notice that?
I suppose my year could be better summed up by my latest comic or the journal on my website. Did I mention I have a webcomic site?
But anyway, this year's been pretty good. I've learned some things. I've learned that peer pressure works. Not always for the worst, but never in ways you expect it to. I've learned that sometimes, just sometimes, he likes you as much as you like him. I learned the true meaning of Christmas, HA! Just kidding. I learned that Chemistry is really, really hard, but really, really satisfying when you get it right. And I've learned that sometimes, you just have to let it be.
I've also come to realise something. I'm completely freaking amazing. That's right. Goodbye low self-concept, goodbye self-doubt, and goodbye body issues! For now at least.
This year's been a year of inside jokes. From "Hayden is a tool," to Laquisha, to "IT CAN'T BE IMPROVED!" to "computerprogrammers," to "YES Guitarist!" to shazipper, to anything and everything to do with Ziggy and our being the same person, to all the jokes at E Goldman's expense, to ruddyruddyruddyruddyrudd, to sour cream and onion pringles, to the sponge front door, to the all-out backhand war between me and Kris, to sipping coffee after saying things to add emphasis, to "I have six pockets," to "ooh, ahh, interesting, fish, otter, poo, Alex," to "I can't die, I haven't read the 7th Harry Potter book!" to Jellyfish Headquarters, to Andre's Angels, to LEEEEELA LA-LA-LA-LA-LEELA!, to "I MADE IT MYSELF!" to "I need some industrial-strength orange juice," to "runs in the family," to "aww...too soon?"
This year, I've been to Europe, got my first A in English since forever, had everything I own turn to fail, started a website, cried on stage for the first time, completely improvised my way through Ibsen's "A Doll's House," pulled several A-Standard assignments out of my arse, worked my arse off to complete several C-Standard assignments, ate cheesecake, mango and tirimisu for the first time, became the best cymbal player ever, was introduced to Quentin Tarantino films, figured out that I'm on the pirate side of pirates vs ninjas and entered the larval stage of the classic rock snob, thanks to Meredith who introduced me to The Beatles.
All I can say is, even though it'll be tricky, I hope 2010 out-awesomes 2009.

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