Saturday, December 26, 2009

The ghost of Christmas Was Yesterday.

The lesser-known Christmas ghost.
Before I begin this blog, I'd like to say that I may have made the mistake of the afternoon. I forgot that I'd left my tea brewing in the kitchen and left it there for about twenty minutes. Not only this, but I used two teabags because I'm impatient. Not only this, but they were extra strong teabags. Needless to say, I can now see through time.
Anywhoozle. Christmas texts are interesting beasts. People you haven't spoken to in years suddenly let you know that they still have your number and send you a "merry xmas." Every now and again, there's someone who spelt "Christmas" as a whole word, just putting in that bit of extra effort. Now, I went to considerably more effort with my Christmas texts, as did some people I know (Ziggy being the queen of my inbox at present...getitgetit, it's a pun) but my dad's friend Mike probably got the best Christmas text in the history of Christmas texts. "Merry xmas spunkie, love the lesbians." This is amazingness in text message format, which I got to experience because I'd just spent ten minutes trying to teach him how to use his iPhone. I don't even have an iPhone, I've got what is generally referred to as a dad-phone. Not even my dad has a dad-phone. He's got a blackberry, I've got a dad-phone. Where is the justice in the world? I'll tell you, it's in the fact that I have the best text message tone in the universe, and it went off twenty-four times yesterday. If you've had the privilege of hearing my text tone, you will appreciate why I don't want a new phone. If not, you can only imagine its brilliance.
I lost track of this blog slightly, I blame the super-tea.

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