Tuesday, July 28, 2009

I got the smartass award

Otherwise known as a Cum Laude award...it means something in latin, I dunno. Basically, it means I got overall As in two subjects and didn't fail any. Although, it did mean (as I was being presented and stuff) that I had to wear the stockings rather than the socks. And these stockings had some serious ladders going on. How many "Stairway to Heaven" jokes were made? Heaps. But who cares, because I got FREE FOOD!! There was a morning tea for the students and parents of students who got these awards and they had the AWESOMEST LITTLE CUPCAKES!!! And caramel tarts. Work hard, get good grades, get free food. It's a good cycle.
Anyway, enough about how brilliant I am.
There are 5 tins of sweet corn soup in the cupboard. I'm the only one in the house who will a) eat soup from a tin and b) eat sweet corn soup. Now, there are some who say you don't eat soup, but shut up, it's chunky. So, obviously someone's gone "HOLY BOLLOCKS!!! ISOBELLA LIKES SWEET CORN SOUP!!!" and went mental in a soup-acquiring rampage....well, a five-tin rampage. This happens every time a family member of mine notices that I like a certain food. Which makes me go off the food, because there's TOO BLOODY MUCH OF IT!! Still, I wonder why nobody gets tomato soup any more. Oh right, because somehow blenderized tomato is a fantastic substitute. It isn't. But hey...anyone want sweet corn soup?

1 comment:

Nick said...

I should know what it means, I mean, my god, I studied Latin for several years...I can't get "with honors" out of my head, maybe that's it...

I *could* make a "Stairway..." joke, but I'm not going to...

Free food? Cupcakes? WHY THE HELL WAS I NOT INVITED? Aww, I hope you enjoyed them!

Is that a "Black Books" reference? I think it is!
