Friday, July 31, 2009

The Bucket List

I haven't seen that movie. But I have a list. There are 71 points on this list, and I very nearly completed number 23, but was thwarted.
I've completed number 5, 10, 17 and 36, and I'm really freaking happy about those ones.
Number 23 is to go a whole week without trying to kill James. There was about 20 minutes left of lunch and I was leaning against a locker, and I began sliding down. James was leaning opposite me and began sliding, then said "Race ya." So of course I agreed. I won by the way. Our feet sortof met in the middle, and somehow he didn't realise that ALL MY WEIGHT was rested on his feet, and if anyone, he should've realised that...physics and all that...anyway. He stood up. The bastard stood up. And I fell on my arse. So action needed to be taken, and in the great Izzie-and-James tradition, I ended up in more pain than he did. It's not my fault, he just keeps defending himself.
So yeah, I'll try for number 23 again next week...

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