Friday, August 14, 2009

Gandalf, Liza and James

I totally saw Galdalf on the train today.
It was about 7:30 at night and I was on my way home from Acting, and at the Fortitude Valley stop, one stop away from Central. This dude got on the train, he was all well-maintained beard and insane hair and barefoot and coat. He had Galdalfesque staff-type-thing and a HUGE sack of potatoes. It was the potatoes that made me wonder. Like, where in the Valley can you get potatoes? He was pretty much the typical Fortitude-Valley-at-night type of dude, but with potatoes.
In other news, if you rearrange my name (my full name for those who know it) it ALMOST spells "alliance." Just replace the "C" with an "S" and you've got the dodgily spelt allianse.
In more news, the best song to burst in to in the locker room is officially "Mein Herr" from Cabaret. locker room outbursts would make Liza-With-A-Z spin in her grave if it weren't for the fact that she's actually alive. Yay, living!
I handed in two drafts today. English, which has been plagueing me since last term, and Chem, which has been plagueing me since about two weeks ago. So far, Chem was doing a better job of eating away at, unravelling and shit-kicking my brain and sanity. Yes, I have enough sanity left to be shit-kicked by a Chem assignment.
I've been doing a lot of complaining about that assignment, and the complaining will not stop until about next Friday, when I hand in the final copy. But that's not a guarantee.
And OH MY GOD! I finally completed number 23 in my list of life goals! That is, not killing James for a whole week.

1 comment:

Nick said...

I've always found bursting into the recap bit in "Betrayed" from "The Producers" to be an effective way of attracting attention.

Other favorites of mine include "The Modern Major-General Song" from "Pirates of Penzance", and the chorus of "I Have Confidence" from "Sound of Music".

I only just noticed they're all from musicals...hmm...

Alternatively, just walk up to someone and start singing "Wind Beneath My Wings" at them. Fun!