Tuesday, May 26, 2009

my head says B but my heart says C

So, driving along today, and there were these people walking on the road. Like COMPLETELY BLOODY ON THE ROAD. Not just a little bit.
My mum said there are three options for this situation.
a) Run the over.
b) Go around them.
c) Come up behind them, honk the horn and watch them shit themselves.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Neutralface =|

This weekend, I've been doing a lot of thinking, and not much stuff I should be doing (like learning those songs for Music assessment...or guitar ensemble...or revising Chemistry...and maths...or doing my art assignment...you get the idea).
Anyway, I've been doing some thinking about some things, which is an ambiguous way to begin, but I will type them in this blog, so it's not just a gloat about the fact that through all the insanity, my brain actually does work.
It's coming up to Yule at the moment (or Midsummer in the Northern Hemisphere), which actually makes me feel a bit guilty. Guilty because I had to google it, rather than those three years where I could actually remember all the Wiccan Sabbats (I tried out Wicca for a few years, but kindof stopped, but I still wear my pentagram sometimes). But what's pretty nifty is that the Acting Academy Improv Showcase (or Theatre Experience Day for the regular classes...yay extention stream!) is on Yule (June 21st). So that will be nifty.
Another thing I've been thinking about is how I might be a bad friend. And a bad cousin...and daughter...
This is because I couldn't go to someone's school play, which I really wanted to go to, ever since he told me he'd auditioned. I actually cried when I saw that I even put it in my calendar, but couldn't go. But paradoxically, I was being a good cousin and student in order to be a bad friend. Now, I shouldn't think like this, I know, but I do feel kindof horrible. I also feel horrible about how apathetic I'm getting on MSN. And then if course, there's the friend who I've been treating as more of a pet than a friend, and the realisation of this made me feel completely terrible.
I've also realised that it seems physically impossible for me to really express my feelings. It feels wrong to blog incessantly about unrequited love and anxiety and things I actually feel rather than stuff that passes through my mind and I think is funny. It's just not in my nature to be like that. Subconsciously I seem to block anything that might put anyone else in a bad mood or even empathise with me on a human level, and I simply hate it when people worry about me. When I tell people not to worry about me, I REALLY BLOODY MEAN IT!
All this tension and stuff is forming itself into further insanity. This is evident at the song I wrote yesterday, and will hopefully record some time tonight.
But on the plus side of things, my singing teacher told me my voice is "damn fine," which is interesting phrasing-wise, but I was glad for the compliment anyway. (happyface)
And also, I've been making my comics more often, which is DEFINATELY a good sign, since I only stopped making them because I was a bit depressed. I've even got a logo for the site I'll hopefully be setting up at some point.
Well anyway, proper blogs soon.

Friday, May 22, 2009


If you happen to know all the words to a song..
And one of your friends happens to also know all the words...
And you suddenly find yourselves in a duet...
This probably isn't the best song.

Thursday, May 21, 2009


I've been invited to FOUR Twilight-related groups on Facebook.
All of these invitations were sent by one person.
All of these groups I've refused to join.
One was just called Twilight, except it had a bunch of random embellishments to go with it (.>-_`~) which somehow made it distinct from all the other fangirl-made Twilight groups.
Another was "1,000,000 Strong To Publish Midnight Sun." For those who don't know, Midnight Sun is the next book in the series, which is essentially the first book written from Edward's perspective for some reason. The draft was leaked on the internet, and Stephanie Meyer got all annoyed and said "Right, if that's how you feel, no Midnight Sun for you." Now, I'd join this group JUST TO SHUT THE FANGIRLS UP. But I didn't, because I simply don't have time to go about explaining this to people, also, if Stephanie Meyer got over herself and let the book get published, it wouldn't shut the fangirls up, it'd just give them something new to endlessly talk shit about.
"Because I Love Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse and Breaking Dawn" was the most tortured. Seriously, it was this point where I began losing faith in humanity, considering so many supurfluous Twilight groups could be made. And honestly, if you join a group called "Twilight" it's pretty obvious that you rather like the freaking series. COME ON! THIS POINT DOES NOT NEED TO BE ELABORATED.
Lastly and most simply, "Alice Cullen." A simple title, but a page that, I think, could require some further explaination, or could possibly serve a greater purpose as a fan page. What, pray, is the point of a group simply called "Alice Cullen." Surely, "People Who Rather Like Alice Cullen" would be a better title. Or are they simply trying to assume the identity of Alice, which is the most completely bizzare reason to join a group...and surely there are more convincing, elaborate and creepy ways to assume the identity of a fictional character.
And, just so I don't end on a rant, I'd have to say the best two Twilight ripoffs are this one and this one.

Formal Friday

So, at my school they've introduced a new thing. This is called "Formal Friday."
Essentially, every Friday, we have to wear the formal uniform, along with wearing the blazer to every class. Now, I do this most days anyway, so it's not really a big deal.
Except for one thing.
Try as I might, I just can't make them last for more than a day. In fact, no, there is one pair of stockings I've made last for more than a day.
This pair is bright purple.
And somehow I don't think I'll get away with them.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

a function of insanity

m=number of days since I last washed my hair
x=number of bobby pins at my disposal
at the moment, y=this

Friday, May 15, 2009

As if we needed further proof...

So, I do tend to over-think some things. And I also tend to under-think on occasion...not very often...but usually I think at just the right level for me, which some think is too much, but anyway, on with the blog.
One such occasion (over-thinking) occurred in the girls' bathroom at school. I was overhearing one of those conversations, you know the ones, "oh my god, I'm so fat!" "you're not fat! I am!" "you're not fat, if you're fat, I'm obese!"
The kind of conversations that only impossibly skinny girls have.
Of course, there was something I desperately wanted to say to them, which of course, I didn't, because with their limited brain capacity, it probably would have broken their minds and taken away their only conversation topic. Also, it'd be creepy if I were having a conversation and some bespectacled nerd burst forth from a cubicle to deliver a message that picked holes in every aspect of the conversation I was having.
The thing I wanted to say was this:
Now, look. You know it, I know it, the whole freaking school knows it. You two are skinny. Impossibly so. You walk the corridors leaving waves of envy, so to hear you have this conversation is like watching the "Fires In Pompeii" episode of Doctor Who, it should never have happened. Also, just step back for a moment and try to figure out what exactly you are trying to achieve by having this conversation. Clearly you don't have your objectives in order, or you wouldn't be speaking right now, and I wouldn't be interrupting. Do you want the other person to simply say "yeah, you're fat and horrible and I'm skinny and gorgeous and my life is perfect because of it," or are you just stuck in a loop and need someone to press Ctrl+Alt+Delete? Now, perhaps instead of having this conversation, we could all just go our separate ways, and why don't you two go to the tuckshop and get yourselves a muffin each, as it seems you're both fairly malnourished and desperately in need of some carbohydrate. Thank you and good day.

now with 20% more calcium! okay, that was a lie...

It's probably not a good thing to lie in the title of a blog.
Loseryness is not a state of mind. It is not about what movies you watch or how many hours playing WOW you've done or how many elements of the periodic table you can recite (I'm up to 25). Loseryness can be defined by one thing that happened to me and someone else (ooooh, ambiguity) yesterday.
We were teased by a librarian.
That's right.
I'll just give you a moment to let that completley sink in.

Okay, moment's over.

Please note, that I'm not saying the other person involved is a loser. It was just for poetic effect.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009


This is pretty much the awesomest thing I did today (apart from having a massive epiphany about my maths assignment).
I fixed my old iPod shuffle!
Now, this is only remarkable for two reasons:
1. I'm bad at computers.
2. It was my dad who broke it in the first place.
See, the company he used to work at gave him a free shuffle for some reason, but he couldn't make it work, so he made it work in some really odd way, which involves NOT WORKING AT ALL! Okay, so it worked for a bit, but then died hideously. Anyway. He gave it to me in the hopes that I'd be better at it. For a long time, it remained broken, but today I fixed it.
I'm not sure how.
But I did.
Now, even though I have an iPod touch (which I love), that isn't going to stop me being enormously smug about fixing this, which I doubt will be particularly useful...ever...but hey! I fixed it!

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Gas Laws

So, I'm doing my chemistry homework, and I couldn't help but notice something. You see, I've just written out three pages of gas laws and their explainations, and when I got to Kinetic Molecular Theory, I noticed that it sounded like it'd be said by a dramatic voice-over at the start of a conspiracy movie while blurred footage of a crowded city appeared on a screen.
1. All particles are in continuous, random motion.
2. The volume of individual particles is zero.
3. Collisions of particles with container walls cause pressure exerted by gas.
4. Particles exert no forces on each other.Average kinetic energy is directly proportional to the temperature of a gas.

Insert here, laboratory building and people in lab coats, Badass Villian Dude in a suit and patent leather shoes walking purposefully down a blueish corridor while people walk to and from rooms, carefully avoiding him, his assistant follows him with a clip board.
Badass Villian Dude enters office, while assistant pours drinks. Mr Other Faceless Villian sits opposite him and takes a drink.
"How much do you want for it?" asks Mr Other Faceless Villian.
"You see, Mr Other Faceless Villian, the formula is not for sale. I'm terribly sorry, but you've come all this way for nothing," replies Bald Man, voice dripping with sexy badassedness.
"Badass Villian Dude, you're making a huge mistake, I've got some powerful friends," Mr Other Faceless Villian begins to lose his temper. Close-up on his sweating forehead.
"Well, Mr Other Faceless Villian, let's see your friends save you now,"
"Excuse me, Badass Villian Dude?"
Close-up on calm-but-evil eyes of Badass Villian Dude, cut to close-up of panicked eyes of Mr Other Faceless Villian, close-up of Mr Faceless Other Villian's hands gripping the arms of his chair, then of him swallowing nervously. He looks at his drink, and, realising he's been poisoned, begins choking and sputtering, grasping his throat. He falls out of his chair and on to the floor, dead.
Badass Villian Dude presses a button under his desk, Faceless Henchmen One and Two come in and drag out the body of Mr Other Faceless Villian. Badass Villian Dude, unfazed, stands up and goes to the large window and stares down at the city. Cut to black, title appears:
Lone Badass Kicks The Ass Of An Evil Organisation 2: Return of the Revenge, With Avengance!!!

Friday, May 8, 2009

just saying

Am I not allowed to have completely good days? Like, totally and completely awesome with no unawesome? It doesn't seem so. I mean, I've had a few of those in the past few months (one of which involved Tim Minchin rather heavily...) but I think I'm cursed. I had a good day today. It was a good day. All my subjects were good. Even dance practice (yes, they're making us learn progressive dances for the Semi Formal...*shudder*) was alright. More alright than usual, which scares me a little. It was a good day. I got hit in the face with a volleyball, ran up a hill, missed a train, ran up another hill and was late for acting academy, and neither of those could dampen my day. NONE OF IT! And acting academy was fantastic (as usual). The drive home was filled with my delightful rants about nothing.
Then I got home. Dinner was already on the table, so I had no time to do any of the usual just-got-home stuff, but that was okay. I was determined that that would be okay. Grandma was watching a news story about the deteriorating health of Queenslanders, but that was okay. Then it started. Certain people at my mum's place end up in heated discussions about human or animal rights or education or obesity problems or the latest thing about me that seems in need of discussion and subsequent berating or (as was this case) how if you die of something horrible, it's your own stupid fault. Tonight, it was about the increase in people getting diabetes, and this has never been a good topic to bring up with me. Theres something about the D word being said in such a condesending manner that just brings back memories of hospitals and freaking out and nobody telling me exactly what was going on but continually prodding me with things and injecting stuff.
So yeah, my day's been good, it's just dinner time that sucks diseased monkeys.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009


...that I'm not looking forward to:
- Year 11 camp
- The semi formal
- Explaining the dress I'm wearing to people, and the exact reason why I'm wearing it
- The eventual worsening of this sore throat
- The internet buggering up again
- The next piece of english assessment
- Doing my maths assignment

...that I AM looking forward to:
- Reading Paper Towns
- Friday
- Acting Academy winter camp =]
- My bed not falling apart again
- Whatever musical I see next (yes, I can be excited about indefinates, shut up, in fact, just for questioning me, the next point)
- Any fantasmic musical/play/movie/whatever else I happen to see in the future (take THAT you inquiring bastard!)
- Making a better point in a blog...

...that I should probably do:
- Get an OP prediction
- Study harder in Chemistry
- Finish reading 48 Shades Of Brown
- Work on those songs I should work on (for guitar ensemble/music assessment/other)
- Art homework
- Write that monologue for drama

...that should happen more often:
- Me seeing certain friends who I don't see often enough
- Me relaxing
- Sudden explosions of inspiration

...that should probably happen less often:
- People misusing the words 'less' and 'fewer'
- My various unsuccessful attempts at (metaphorically) killing James (he's starting to fight back, that's not a good sign)
- James provoking these various unsuccessful attempts at me (metaphorically) killing him
- People doing ten-minute unscripted video diaries
- Hyperglycemia (high blood sugar)
- Hypoglycemia (low blood sugar)
- Me complaining about diabetes
- Me complaining in blog format

And now it's curtains for this blog post. Lacy, gently wafting curtains. (Ten points for anyone who picks up that reference...but let's face it, it's gunna be Ziggy).

Monday, May 4, 2009

Things that happened while I was driving today...

  • I passed cyclists and found a new mortal enemy...
  • I drove straight over the top of the very same roundabout that my dad drove straight over the top of once when I was ten
  • Two people (looking VERY couple-ey) who looked rather alot like Vivi (Acting Academy teacher) and Frezned (YouTuber) went into a rather abandoned-looking building.
  • I ended up with Total Eclipse Of The Heart (turn around, every now and then I get a little bit lonely that you're never coming 'round...) stuck in my head, which is never a good thing, driving or not