Tuesday, December 30, 2008


That's all I have to say, and that's all I have had to say all day, maybe even over the last few days. Just a sigh. A sigh can say so little, and yet say so much.

Monday, December 29, 2008


Right! So in my blog about stupid idiots, I was pretty bleak, because that's how I was feeling. But I've cheered up now, and that's largely because of a conversation I had with a friend of mine.

We were talking about bizzare things I could wear to the Semi, and he said I should hear a huge ass wig. Then he said that he didn't mean an ass-wig, he meant a huge wig.

That reminded me of this...

Which in turn, reminded me of my favourite Futurama line, ever, in the history of the world (or just the history of Futurama), which was said by Mom.

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Whaddya know?

Research shows that people get more emotionally attatched to decisions that may cause a loss than decisions that may cause gains? Go figure.

Stupid idiots...

Usually I wouldn't use that to describe my friends, but this must be said.

Just some forethought, my friends are not stupid idiots, they're just being stupid idiots about this one thing.

This one thing is the Semi Formal. Everyone's talking about it, fussing about it, worrying about it, asking my opinion about it...

The thing is, there are alot of things in the world, and many of these things make great conversation topics. The Semi Formal is not one of them. The Semi Formal makes a conversation topic, not a great conversation topic, but the way most conversations end up being about this one night that happens some time in the middle of next year just pisses me off.

There are two reasons that everyone's mind being turned toward the Semi Formal pisses me off greatly:
a) It's the middle of next year, surely they can all worry about it when it's at least a little closer.
b) It's not the end of the world if it goes hideously wrong.

Now, I don't want to go, but I have to. It's compulsory to go and it's compulsory to have a date. This date must be declared by the end of term 1, and they must go to the school.
So, the way it's going to turn out is that everyone will get all dressed up with their expensive dresses and shoes and all that make-up, their hair curled or something like that, and it will be nowhere near as great as the expect it to be.
And the thing is, I don't look great, and I know that, so I'll end up in some shoe-string strapped, stupid, shiney number, with high-heels that I can barely walk in, my hair and make-up done by god-only-knows-who and I'll feel akward, and that'll show in the way I look absolutely atroscious, while all my friends look absolutely stunning and flaunt that with perfect confidence.

Not only that, but anyone I talk to is treating it like it'll be the end of the world if they don't get a date. Now, that just shits me. It's one night in a lifetime. Who the hell cares if one night in EIGHTY YEARS goes badly. By the time you're middle-aged and living your life, you might not even know any of the people you went to high school with, and if you do, they're not going to keep bringing up the Year 11 Semi Formal that you coundn't get a date to.

That's it. That's my rant, thank you and good day.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Oh, the Christmassy goodness

Christmas, eh?
All that family together-ness and not to mention...
Yeah, because that's what it's all about isn't it, not the birth of the messiah, but the fact that it's the time of the year where you get heaps of stuff...and also socks and losing lottery tickets.
Anyway...that's pretty much all I have to say, so have a good christmas or summer solstice or yule or all the other festivals...i'm just not sure how many have already passed...

Monday, December 22, 2008


Since Thursday, I have completed a grand total of THREE ultimate life goals.
1. Get into the Extension stream of the Australian Acting Academy.
2. Toss a grape into the air and catch it in my mouth.
3. Acquire the season 2 box set of Doctor Who.

Friday, December 12, 2008

Izzie, the Queen of Soup-For-One

There were no cans of soup in the cupboard, so I made it from scratch. Using a can of tomatoes!

And here is my fantasmic recipie (sp?)
Tomatoes (one tin)
Add tomatoes to blender, blend. Add the now blended contents to a saucepan, heat.

And there you have it, soup for one, the awesome way.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Bloody Hell!

Whenever I go upstairs, I get a headache. Maybe the change in altitude or something.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008


The time has come for me to go clothes shopping again.
I'm really monumentally bad at clothes shopping.
Now, the thing is, I wear pretty much the same thing every day, kindof like a cartoon character. And that is jeans, t-shirt and converse. And that's all fine and dandy, but it's summer, and I really need shorts or a skirt or something, because my fantastic legs are suffering in the heat.
Also, I'm not really sure what the young people are wearing nowadays and if what I'm wearing is correct. This doesn't necesairily bother me, because I'm not a slave to fashion, but I'm very insecure about how I look. My legs are fine, my hair is fine, it's just everything inbetween. I'm some kind of squishy, irregular shape, which leads me to wear baggy t-shirts and jeans, which leads strangers to think I'm a guy. So, I'm growing my hair long (which is mostly because I want it long, not because I look like a guy at a glance when it's short).
So yeah, damn these clothes, they're so difficult. Fantastic, but I can never get them right...

Thursday, December 4, 2008


-the night I turned 11, I desperately wanted an owl to give me a letter of admittance to Hogwarts
-I know all the words to various songs from The Simpsons (when I was seventeen, I drank some very good beer, I drank some very good beer I purchased with a fake ID, my name was Brian McGee, I stayed up listening to Queen, when I was seventeen...) (and also See My Vest)
-I am very nit-picky about grammar
-I was top of my class in Home Ec. (shudder)
-I have been caught standing on the bed passionately singing Defying Gravity from Wicked
-I have the Spider Pig song on my computer and it's playing now
-I watched charlieissocoollike's version of that Rick Astley song (never gunna give you up, never gunna let you down...) about 50 times before he set it to private

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Freddie Mercury

Damn that guy was a good singer!
I have a confession. I usually avoid the extreme temptation to sing along to songs, but sometimes I give in. I can never resist with Queen songs. If you ever burst into my room unexpectantly, chances are I'll be standing on the bed singing "Somebody To Love" or "Killer Queen" or "Don't Stop Me Now" or something passionately and with more energy than I do anything else, except maybe act.
I once saw a headline somewhere that said Indian Rocker, Freddie Mercury, Was Gay, and my immediate thought was, holy craphound! Freddie Mercury was INDIAN?!?! Yeah, may have picked up on the wrong part of that headline a little bit. But apparrently, unless exactly that heandline and also Wikipedia is lying, Freddie Mercury was Indian. Also, according to someone who goes to my school (so it must be true) Freddie didn't want to fix up his crooked-ass teeth because he thought it might bugger his voice.
I've never blogged about a person I've never met before. In fact, I don't think I've ever done a whole blog about ONE person! Well, there's a first time for everything.

It's raining...

Yeah, it's all rainy.
Which is kinda funny, because I'm trying to learn an audition monologue and in the monologue, it says "I don't think we've had rain for three months..." and it's raining gratuitously. Then I think how years ago, I would've found that funny, and how now, I'd lecture anyone who did find that funny about how the world of acting is imaginary and how it doesn't have to be real, that's why it's acting. That annoys me about people who to drama and say things like, "but I'm not like that..." and I just feel like saying, "of course you're not like that, it's pretend."

Anyways, who's counting the sleeps until Christmas? I sure as hell am not! But I bet you've all put up your Christmas tree. Well, I don't have one, my dad and I have a Christmas ROCKET!
Yeah, bet you weren't expecting a rocket! Yeah, my dad had this huge model rocket made by his artist friend, and we decorated it for Christmas.
And you wonder why my friends want my parents to adopt them!


so, the rest of this blog may or may not be as INCREDIBLY exciteing as the title, and the thing is, i started this blog with no plan in mind and probably won't finish it with one...
i've been spinning in an office chair...now i feel slightly sick
I know that spinning in an office chair for too long, too fast makes me sick, but I did it anyway...
pfft, bugger it, i'm posting this now...

Thursday, November 27, 2008


Half a day of year 10 left!
that's all I have to say, so use your imagination, everyone.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

3rd blog tonight

My grandma makes the best cookies ever
they're kindof like melting moments, except with chocolate chips
damn they're good

On a bicycle...

If anyone ever tells me that joke again, I will metaphorically tear their heart out through their kneecaps.
If you haven't figured out what joke it is, it is as follows.
Isobella necessary on a bicycle?
I think it has been proven that YES! a bell IS necessary on a bicycle, but I am not. I can't go about sitting on EVERYONE'S BICYCLE AT ONCE!
I will sit on MY bicycle, but any more than one at once is physically impossible.
I'm so bored I'm blogging about bicycles.


I'm pretty much obsessed with this song right now.
Thing is, I've found the guitar chords for it, with the lyrics and everything, and I always knew it was a sad song, but only now have I realised how desperately sad it is.
Espescially the last verse.
Maybe there's a God above
But all I ever learned from love
Is how to shoot somebody who outgrew ya.
It's not a cry you can hear at night
It's not somebody who's seen the light,
It's a cold and it's a broken hallelujah.
Wow. I think the best version is the Tim Minchin/Geraldine Quinn duet.
Closely followed by Jake's arrangement for "Rock Band 2"

I'm pretty sure that exactly nobody reads my blog, I just feel kindof obliged to write it.
Oh well.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

I'm so awesome...as though proof were needed.

My first A+ since year 7!
It's taken me three years to achieve such perfection again, but I did it.
I mean, I've gotten As since then, but never an A+.
What was it in, you may ask.
Well, it was my Drama performance. I was a pissed off lonery nerd teenager who read fairytales. So I'm pretty damn happy with my epic-as achievement.

I also got my senior blazer today, which is a pretty awesome happening.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Bread, Soup and Coffee

Yesterday I astounded a few people by eating a breadroll without any spreads or anything. I know, if all I have to do to pull a crowd is eat bread, I must be something special. But anyway, there wasn't anyone who could understand the attraction of eating bread without anything to liven it up a little. There are two reasons why I was eating bread and only bread.
Firstly, there were no spreads in the house apart from apricot jam, and I wasn't going to take my chances with it. Secondly, even if I was willing to take my chances with the apricot jam, I didn't have time to do anything but grab a plain bread roll.
But the thing is, people have always wondered about the stuff I eat. Like the way I don't have milk on my cereal. Or the way I can eat Schwartzbrot (a german bread thing that no-one likes). I got no end of shit about the Schwartzbrot. Which I didn't understand, because I was eating it like a normal sandwich (with cream cheese) and why should the fact that I like a particular style of German bread have anything to do with anything. I don't give people shit about bringing yoghurt to school (even though they don't eat it with a spoon and it would go all warm in their lunchbox).
But the thing is, my grandma doesn't even think that tomato soup is food unless she makes it herself and badly blends in real tomatoes to my microwaved soup-for-one masterpiece. But the thing is, he baisis for it not being food is that it's from a can, has more preserveatives than actual tomato soup and it's just liquid. I think the reason she likes to blend in real tomatoes is that this way it has indigestable chunks and it is therefore not "just liquid." But with these chunks, it is just unbareable to put this stuff in my mouth. Besides, soup is so much more than liquid, it's real food. And soup-for-one in a can is so much easier to make than pureed tomatoes floating around in hot water. WATCH OUT FOR THE SEEDS! And the stalks, and the bits of can that broke off in the blender...
I'm drinking a damn good coffee right now. I make really good coffee, nothing spesific, just coffee and frothy milk in a mug. The only drawback is that it's decaf. It tastes exactly the same, but I just don't think it's real coffee. This is because the word "coffee" is derived from the word "caffiene" and therefore decaf isn't coffee.
So in conclusion, don't give me shit about what I eat, because I'll blog about it.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Introductions...Let's Not Do Away With These Fomralities

Hello Internet!
Well, citizens of Internet, my name is Izzie, and now I have a blog!
I'm a 15 year old high school student from Queensland, Australia (Which is a great plaec to be if you don't mind our 364 days of Summer, just kidding, we have proper seasons, it's just that all the ones that aren't Summer are rather short in comparison).
I figured since this is my first blog, I should probably introduce myself, so here I am, introducing myself.
I have a YouTube (www.youtube.com/nutcasealert) and well, I think many things, but sometimes I just can't be stuffed (or I don't have enough downloads left) to make those thoughts into a video, so I'm starting a blog.
Well, I guess if you want to know anything else about me, you can check out my About Me or something.