Tuesday, December 9, 2008


The time has come for me to go clothes shopping again.
I'm really monumentally bad at clothes shopping.
Now, the thing is, I wear pretty much the same thing every day, kindof like a cartoon character. And that is jeans, t-shirt and converse. And that's all fine and dandy, but it's summer, and I really need shorts or a skirt or something, because my fantastic legs are suffering in the heat.
Also, I'm not really sure what the young people are wearing nowadays and if what I'm wearing is correct. This doesn't necesairily bother me, because I'm not a slave to fashion, but I'm very insecure about how I look. My legs are fine, my hair is fine, it's just everything inbetween. I'm some kind of squishy, irregular shape, which leads me to wear baggy t-shirts and jeans, which leads strangers to think I'm a guy. So, I'm growing my hair long (which is mostly because I want it long, not because I look like a guy at a glance when it's short).
So yeah, damn these clothes, they're so difficult. Fantastic, but I can never get them right...

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