Wednesday, December 3, 2008

It's raining...

Yeah, it's all rainy.
Which is kinda funny, because I'm trying to learn an audition monologue and in the monologue, it says "I don't think we've had rain for three months..." and it's raining gratuitously. Then I think how years ago, I would've found that funny, and how now, I'd lecture anyone who did find that funny about how the world of acting is imaginary and how it doesn't have to be real, that's why it's acting. That annoys me about people who to drama and say things like, "but I'm not like that..." and I just feel like saying, "of course you're not like that, it's pretend."

Anyways, who's counting the sleeps until Christmas? I sure as hell am not! But I bet you've all put up your Christmas tree. Well, I don't have one, my dad and I have a Christmas ROCKET!
Yeah, bet you weren't expecting a rocket! Yeah, my dad had this huge model rocket made by his artist friend, and we decorated it for Christmas.
And you wonder why my friends want my parents to adopt them!

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