Thursday, December 4, 2008


-the night I turned 11, I desperately wanted an owl to give me a letter of admittance to Hogwarts
-I know all the words to various songs from The Simpsons (when I was seventeen, I drank some very good beer, I drank some very good beer I purchased with a fake ID, my name was Brian McGee, I stayed up listening to Queen, when I was seventeen...) (and also See My Vest)
-I am very nit-picky about grammar
-I was top of my class in Home Ec. (shudder)
-I have been caught standing on the bed passionately singing Defying Gravity from Wicked
-I have the Spider Pig song on my computer and it's playing now
-I watched charlieissocoollike's version of that Rick Astley song (never gunna give you up, never gunna let you down...) about 50 times before he set it to private

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