Sunday, December 28, 2008

Stupid idiots...

Usually I wouldn't use that to describe my friends, but this must be said.

Just some forethought, my friends are not stupid idiots, they're just being stupid idiots about this one thing.

This one thing is the Semi Formal. Everyone's talking about it, fussing about it, worrying about it, asking my opinion about it...

The thing is, there are alot of things in the world, and many of these things make great conversation topics. The Semi Formal is not one of them. The Semi Formal makes a conversation topic, not a great conversation topic, but the way most conversations end up being about this one night that happens some time in the middle of next year just pisses me off.

There are two reasons that everyone's mind being turned toward the Semi Formal pisses me off greatly:
a) It's the middle of next year, surely they can all worry about it when it's at least a little closer.
b) It's not the end of the world if it goes hideously wrong.

Now, I don't want to go, but I have to. It's compulsory to go and it's compulsory to have a date. This date must be declared by the end of term 1, and they must go to the school.
So, the way it's going to turn out is that everyone will get all dressed up with their expensive dresses and shoes and all that make-up, their hair curled or something like that, and it will be nowhere near as great as the expect it to be.
And the thing is, I don't look great, and I know that, so I'll end up in some shoe-string strapped, stupid, shiney number, with high-heels that I can barely walk in, my hair and make-up done by god-only-knows-who and I'll feel akward, and that'll show in the way I look absolutely atroscious, while all my friends look absolutely stunning and flaunt that with perfect confidence.

Not only that, but anyone I talk to is treating it like it'll be the end of the world if they don't get a date. Now, that just shits me. It's one night in a lifetime. Who the hell cares if one night in EIGHTY YEARS goes badly. By the time you're middle-aged and living your life, you might not even know any of the people you went to high school with, and if you do, they're not going to keep bringing up the Year 11 Semi Formal that you coundn't get a date to.

That's it. That's my rant, thank you and good day.

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