Thursday, September 18, 2008

Introductions...Let's Not Do Away With These Fomralities

Hello Internet!
Well, citizens of Internet, my name is Izzie, and now I have a blog!
I'm a 15 year old high school student from Queensland, Australia (Which is a great plaec to be if you don't mind our 364 days of Summer, just kidding, we have proper seasons, it's just that all the ones that aren't Summer are rather short in comparison).
I figured since this is my first blog, I should probably introduce myself, so here I am, introducing myself.
I have a YouTube ( and well, I think many things, but sometimes I just can't be stuffed (or I don't have enough downloads left) to make those thoughts into a video, so I'm starting a blog.
Well, I guess if you want to know anything else about me, you can check out my About Me or something.

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