Friday, July 31, 2009

The Bucket List

I haven't seen that movie. But I have a list. There are 71 points on this list, and I very nearly completed number 23, but was thwarted.
I've completed number 5, 10, 17 and 36, and I'm really freaking happy about those ones.
Number 23 is to go a whole week without trying to kill James. There was about 20 minutes left of lunch and I was leaning against a locker, and I began sliding down. James was leaning opposite me and began sliding, then said "Race ya." So of course I agreed. I won by the way. Our feet sortof met in the middle, and somehow he didn't realise that ALL MY WEIGHT was rested on his feet, and if anyone, he should've realised that...physics and all that...anyway. He stood up. The bastard stood up. And I fell on my arse. So action needed to be taken, and in the great Izzie-and-James tradition, I ended up in more pain than he did. It's not my fault, he just keeps defending himself.
So yeah, I'll try for number 23 again next week...

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

I got the smartass award

Otherwise known as a Cum Laude means something in latin, I dunno. Basically, it means I got overall As in two subjects and didn't fail any. Although, it did mean (as I was being presented and stuff) that I had to wear the stockings rather than the socks. And these stockings had some serious ladders going on. How many "Stairway to Heaven" jokes were made? Heaps. But who cares, because I got FREE FOOD!! There was a morning tea for the students and parents of students who got these awards and they had the AWESOMEST LITTLE CUPCAKES!!! And caramel tarts. Work hard, get good grades, get free food. It's a good cycle.
Anyway, enough about how brilliant I am.
There are 5 tins of sweet corn soup in the cupboard. I'm the only one in the house who will a) eat soup from a tin and b) eat sweet corn soup. Now, there are some who say you don't eat soup, but shut up, it's chunky. So, obviously someone's gone "HOLY BOLLOCKS!!! ISOBELLA LIKES SWEET CORN SOUP!!!" and went mental in a soup-acquiring rampage....well, a five-tin rampage. This happens every time a family member of mine notices that I like a certain food. Which makes me go off the food, because there's TOO BLOODY MUCH OF IT!! Still, I wonder why nobody gets tomato soup any more. Oh right, because somehow blenderized tomato is a fantastic substitute. It isn't. But hey...anyone want sweet corn soup?

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Wellington Mandolin Orchestra.

If I could meet anyone, I'd meet my Grandad, Daniel Jansse. I never did meet him, he died before I was born, but he sounds like such a cool old dude.
For example, he was in a band. He played guitar in the Wellington Mandolin Orchestra.

Monday, July 20, 2009

of squids and beards

I've recently realised exactly why I love my friends so much.
The reason requires a preamble, so here it is.
As a girl, I lack the ability to grow a beard. I don't particularly want to grow a beard, because I've always thought that blond beards are a bit odd. But the thing is, I would like a beard that I could grow when I need something to stroke while thinking, when I was finished stroking the beard, it would recede back into my face...sunday lunch continues.
Now, upon talking to Ziggy, we concluded that a Davey Jones-style squidbeard would be awesome, because it would stroke itself, leaving your hands free to do other stuff, like crab claws. The end result would look something like this.

And that's the reason my friends are my friends. Not just because they're nice people, because we have similar taste in music or television, not just because we get along pretty freaking well. My friends are my friends because they have the attention span and patience to put up with the ramblings of a girl who wants to grow a squid out of her face.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009


So, I caught the tail-end of one of those hideously predictable dating programmes, the part where the guy and the girl had decided to go on the date and they were doing their little siloques to the camera.

He said:
"I'm not entirely sure I've made the right, but only the date will tell."

She said:
"I haven't told him I've got a daughter, and some men are afraid of that kind of commitment."

So yeah, I bet that date went well.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

You miss me?

I've been on camp with my acting school for six days.
So yeah...not an awful lot of sleep happened...
I did film a video with Max though, I'm editing it now, it should appear soon...

Saturday, July 4, 2009

BEDHWP #14: I'm getting sick of these

Yep, real sick of them.
So this is going to be my last BEDHWP post, so if I post one tomorrow, it's not BEDHWP, it's just a blog. Also, I won't be able to post them all next week, because I'll be at Acting Academy camp, which I'm rather excited about.
Now, after all the bitching and moaning I did about year 11 camp, I may be causing some confusion. Now, school camps are just dire for me, mostly because of the fact that one night usually takes place in a tent. Now, Acting Academy camp, I actually opted to go to, also, there are no tents and lots of actual-fun stuff, not school-camp-thinks-its-fun stuff.
Now, today was a lot of fun. I spent the whole day hanging out at South Bank with Kris, instead of seeing a movie. An awesome day. The number of children we considered throwing in nearby water reached record heights.

Friday, July 3, 2009

BEDHWP #14: beads and feathers

That's pretty much what I bought today. I was trying to find stuff for my costume for the Extended Improv night at Acting Academy Camp. I'm not going to explain it in full, but basically I'm a futuristic Icelandic Viking. So naturally I got beads and feather boas, wouldn't you?
And personally, I think that the person behind the counter took it rather well, considering that some bespectacled individual appeared at the counter, bought two feather boas and a bollockload of beads, then said, "It's a long story, but this isn't as weird as it looks."
The look she gave me said, "Yeah, it *is* as weird as it looks."

Thursday, July 2, 2009

BEDHWP #13: dredlocks

As I write this blog, I'm watching Black Books, which means that I WIN AT LIFE!!!
And I'm also waiting for someone to come on MSN. Grr.
Anyway. My cat has a dredlock. A single dredlock in her fur somehow. My only guess is that she's been getting high with the hippie cats up the street.
And here's a picture now.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

BEDHWP #12: mrrrrrr......

Didn't do much today. Slept in properly for the first time in ages.