Saturday, June 12, 2010

Toilet Guy

My grandma and I were driving home from school the other day, when we passed a peculiar sight. My neighbourhood is doing a rubbish-collection thing, and someone had put out a toilet. This is entertaining enough as it is, but when we drove past, there was a dude who wouldn't have been any older than 15 standing there looking at it, and a woman in a 4WD on the other side of the street looking at him. We figure that the guy had been sent by his mum to pick up the toilet, and he really, REALLY didn't want to. The situation probably wasn't helped by the fact that Grandma and I were staring at him, on account of how entertaining the whole scene was, so he did what any normal person in this situation would do. He waved to us.
It was an awkward kind of "hey's exactly what it looks like" wave, so naturally, I waved back.
Dear Toilet Guy, I know it's not your fault. I know the circumstances were beyond your control and that you wouldn't, of your own free will, stand in front of a toilet which is placed on someone's nature strip.
This blog is my tribute to Toilet Guy.

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