Tuesday, July 6, 2010

My cat is sitting on my hands.

That title has nothing to do with this blog, but I feel the need to blog. Why? Because I miss it so.

So, I read up on some symbols that are recurring in dreams and, quite frankly, I'm not impressed. A lot of them just lack imagination. Here's a classic example, if you kiss someone in a dream, it means you're quite fond of them, but not necessarily in love with them. i.e. you appreciate their existence. If you go to kiss someone, but don't, it means you're not sure how they feel about you. NO SHIT, SHERLOCK! I thought all this psychic stuff was NOT supposed to sound like anyone could do it.

The Adventures of Izzie
That's my website.

Mine is being a sillyface.


Are an important part of everyday attire.

The Formal
Well, last year I made a fuss, but this year I'll shut up. Mainly because I got my dress today and IT'S SO PRETTY! I don't like wearing dresses, but sweet jumping Jehovah, it's awesome.

Fizzled Out

That's what this blog did.

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