Thursday, April 29, 2010

Are there immunisations for that?

A real interaction between my father and me while something about Justin Beiber was on the news.
The News: *plays snippet of Beiber 'song'*
Dad: *enters room* Oh god, who's this latest homogonised disney pop princess?
Me: Justin Beiber.
Dad: Justin? Isn't that a boys' name?
Me: You'd think that, wouldn't you.

Now, apart from the fact that Beiber Fever sounds like a deadly disease and that there's an entire website dedicated to lesbians who, through no fault of their own, look like him and the fact that I'm more scared of his fangirls than I am of Twilighters, WHAT BRIGHT SPARK COMPARED HIM TO THE BEATLES?!
[Yes, that was worth the pseudo-interrobang. I'm just that outraged.]
Nobody, and I mean NOBODY makes that kind of comparison and gets away with it. When you insult Izzie's favourite band, three of the most influential composers of the 20th Century (and Ringo Starr), the reason you can misspell "beetle" and get away with it, there will be hell to pay.
Hell hath no fury like Izzie when you insult The Beatles.

Also, just to say, Ringo Starr wrote Octopus's Garden, so think about that. He did do something apart from play the drums and have a silly accent.

Also also, who hasn't seen my website yet?

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